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Flnxnclno /ldaondUm contoming 47tMtO;TRAFT POII:.TGUc <br />(t) 7he Ilcn eocuring payment of lho nolo wui be Interior lo eny Gan secuhng any auperior nolo <br />dasvibed in tfils addendum If an ownery pplicy of ll!!a Insuranco Is ft,mishod, Ouyor. at 6uyer8 <br />anpense, wlll fumieh Soilor wlth o mortgagno Ullo pollq In tho omourtl af inn nate et cloaln9, <br />(B) i( a11 or arry parl af Ihe Proporly Is sold or cor+veyed withoul Saller'e prlor wAtton cbnsertt, 5oller. ot <br />Selierr optlon, mey decJare tnc ouutandlnA princlpal bnlance of the note, plus acwoa inlcrosl. <br />ImmedLelaly due end payeblc. l1ny ot !!ie (ollowing ia nol a Bafe or convoyanco of Ihe Propcrty; <br />(e) the creeuon oi e auboMinato ilen; <br />(b) e eale under a eubortflnnta Ilen; <br />(c) a d0ad undor thrpat of ordor o( condemnntion; <br />(d) a corrveyancc solely oatween tho pertie4; or <br />(a) (ha pa:sagc of UUo ey reaeon of deeth of a makcr nr oporallon of law. <br />(8) QenoslLs Ior Tnxes nn0 insutance <br />(n) In additlon to the principal and Intornst Inslatlmenhn, 8uyer ❑ wili ❑ will not dcposit wlth <br />Sollor a pro rata pert of Ihe estimaled annual ad unlorom taxea an lhe Property end a pro eata <br />paR of Ne asUmaled annual Inswancs premluma ior Iho Improvomenia on lhe Property. <br />(b) It Buyer depoeila taxos 3nd Insuranca depo,itg wlth Spllor, Duycr agrcos lhal !ho Iaxes antl <br />meurance aeDoatts ara only esllmalert+ end mey be Inaufflclonl lo pay lotal taxec end meurance <br />premlums. Ouycr aproos to pey eny dailcJency wlLhln 30 aays afler Salier nollfles euyer of eny <br />dcflclcncy. Buyars falfure to pey tho doflclancy Is o dofault under the deed of t*u•t <br />(c) It yny euponor Ilen holdar on tne Property collecte peymenLg for Gvccs ond Insurance, eny <br />requirement to dcposlt laxna and ineumnca deposda wlth Sellor under tNs addendum ie <br />Inoperqtlje ,o long as paymentt aro Deinp meda to the superlor Ilon hofaor. <br />(10) Anr evont lhat con5tilul9s e deFault undcr any suporior hon const4ulee a default under tho dcod o1 <br />Vust sewring the noto. <br />(11) Tho no16 wUl include e prwlsion for roasonable altomey'e fees for any colledon actlon. <br />(72) Unleas the parUea agroo olherwlse. Ihe (orm of tne nota nn4 Ioan documonls wi11 bo as (ound in <br />lRe nunent ndllbn af the Slate Ber of Tazas Re2l FElate formS Manual whhaul eny addltional <br />cieusos. <br />❑ D CREp1T APPRQvAL QN ASSqJ.?JKfl OR SELLE~INO: <br />(1) To esbWuh Buyot's voCltwoMlnesa for eesumptlon approval or sollor flnencing, 6uyer wlll dellver <br />lo So11or No followlnB Informetfoa (8uycr's documentatWn) wlthln days efter Ihe effocUve <br />dete of the conhect <br />O(a) vorlOcaHon of cmploymont~ IncJudmg salnry; <br />❑(b) verifintion of funds an depoeit m flnandat tnsUWUOns; <br />17 (c) cvrrent flnanclal 9iatement.: <br />O (d) crodd report; <br />0 (c) tax rowms lor tne fouowing yeere <br />n (0 <br />(TnR-7911) a111J2 inwaioa ror iasnunuuon ey e,ryor k_ 9aller _ Popo 3 ot a <br />1m-.1. rsu.uM ~r. <br />nw..w.•~....rl+-~^~r.a~w~ w~wi.~. r~rrY~l...r- u- y- - ..--il+- - N..1ru..c.l~ei <br />a ' y ~ ~U <br />