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iE AND E?CCEPT 5.624 AND 5.109 ACRES; EXHIBIT A <br />'A` <br />~ <br />u, :5. ~4bVa. <br />5 159 '51 C r . <br />f <br />~ <br />FIELD NOTCS <br />6oing ell that oertein tra.ct or pnrcel of lend aituated about 3 milma ; <br />East of the City of Paris, County of Lamar and State of Texae, e part of ~ <br />tha Joseph Mooro Hendright 5urvey, Abat. iJo. 571, a of the 20 ncrea ~ <br />deacribed in a daed from Angoline Pride9. W.H. Psid9r ii<C'..Pside ant3.3of e' <br />Pride to S.E. Smith c^ Ap:ii 17„ 1885, recordud in Vo3urne Z2, Page 324, <br />ur ihe Deed Pecords of said County and 5tata and a paTt of 40 acres des- <br />cribed in doed Prom W,G, Mqore tp J.ohn B. f`looree Alice S, Moors and ,1. <br />rlloore to S.E. Smith or, March 210 1881, recorded in Unlume 69, P.ago 2 in th <br />Dsod Recards of said County and Stato and being P.urthe.r descri6ed as <br />roiioWS; . <br />Beginning at an iron pin for carner in the South Boundary.LLne of <br />U.S Hi9hvay 829 said point being South89 Degra.ea 51 Minutss Cast a dietenc <br />..gP 7004 feet.from the•cvrnes of the ebovo mentioned 20 acrss <br />of land; <br />Thonce 5outh 89 Degrees 51 ('linutes East a dlstance'o.f 2.04,0 feet to <br />a concrat.e marker, thie beginning of .a curvo to the left having a rediue <br />af 2924'.79 Peet; <br />Thence in a Northeasterly direction along aaid curua to the lePt <br />having e long chard bearing North 87 Degrees 44 clinutes £aat a distance <br />o.f_247,,0 Peat to an iron pin Pnr corner; <br />Thance South 66 Degrees 53 Minutas £aet a diatance of 112,2 feet to <br />a fence Poat Por corner; <br />Thencs South 0 Oegreae ~ fiinutea FB.3t a dietance of 37,5.94 feet Lo <br />+an iron pin tor corner; ' <br />Thence North 89 Degraee 51 MinutQe Uest b dietance of 539,6-6 fest <br />to an iron pin Par corner; <br />• Thencse North 0 Oeqreas 31 1'linutRa 30 Sseondv Laat e diatence of <br />J50.0 feat to the pleca of baqinning and cohtainin9 5.109 ooraa of,land,~• <br />cas• os leaa. <br />i, Robert S. Ctianoyo Rflgistarad Pub13c Surveyor Noa 2345, StaLe oP <br />Tsaxaa certiPy that tho above P1at and field Notae depict and ropr:,as+nC <br />an actuai Survey made on the gsound, vndor my eupervision and t'inlsnod <br />~~i~~l~, ~1 0 1985< ~ <br />r <br />' Robert S. ChenayB _P <br />sTarE oF fExAS - <br />COUNTY Of LAPIAR <br />s3CFnP.E *,IC, the undereigned acathority9 e Fdotary Public 1n and dotr <br />coid Couflt.y and Stete on tihia day QeFSOIIally appearc+d Robert S~ Cha,noy <br />lcyiouri to me ta be the pexao~ jh_j!~fl ^°me In oubdcribed to tYca- PoraquF,nL~t <br />~ <br />gns$sumenL' end acl*.nowLOdged 4a me Y:hat hsa exmcuLkrs <br />rand conetSdeertjn- * '-m.._ ' <br />r - <br />~ - - - ?6 <br />