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The conservation measures establish a bottom range or "most likely" <br />real world potential conservation scenario and an upper range or <br />"advanced" scenario that assumes ideal situations representing a maximum <br />achievable conservation savings. A range of potential savings is determined <br />for each of the following conservation measures: <br />1. Reducing unaccounted-for water uses; <br />2. Reducing indoor water use due to water-conserving plumbing <br />ZT. <br />fixtures; <br />3. Reducing seasonal water use; <br />4. Reducing water use through public education programs; <br />5. Reducing dry -year irrigation water use. <br />1. Reducing Unaccounted-for Water Uses: <br />The TCEQ considers unaccounted-for water uses (loss) 15% or less <br />acceptable for communities serving over 5,000 people. Losses above 15% <br />provide a conservation potential with greater losses providing a greater <br />potential. The bottom of the range for technical potential savings is zero. <br />Calculation of the top of the range is determined by the following table: <br />Unaccounted -for uses = 15.9% <br />Dry-year per capita water use = 208.1 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) <br />Potential for reduction in unaccounted -for use = <br />(208.1 gpcd X 15.9%) -(208.1 gpcd X 15%) = 33.09-31.22 = 1.87 gpcd <br />Technical Potential Savings Range - 0 to 1.87 gpcd <br />II. Reducing Indoor Water Use due to Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixtures: <br />The TCEQ uses 20.5 gpcd as the most reliable figure to represent the <br />"most likely" conservation scenario. This figure is based upon the estimate <br />that by 2050, 90% of pre-1990 homes, and all new homes will have been <br />equipped with water conserving fixtures. <br />The figure 21.7 gpcd is used as the "advanced" conservation scenario <br />and is an estimate of the average savings that would result from homes <br />equipped exclusively with water-conserving plumbing fixtures. This figure is <br />considered "advanced" because in a typical city, 100% of homes would not <br />be exclusively equipped with water-conserving fixtures. Results of TCEQ <br />data yield the following estimations: <br />"Most Likely" Savings by 2050 = 20.5 gpcd <br />"Advanced" Savings by 2050 = 21.7 gpcd <br />Technical Potential Savings Range = 20-5 to 21.7 gpcd <br />7 <br />- -15i <br />