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Form 2334 (08/09) <br />Page 3 of 6 Project Number: <br />(For TxDOT use only) <br />Problem Identification <br />Total points available - 25 <br />1. Identify any potential safety problem(s) related to Safe Routes to School by indicating the obstacles <br />(physical or perceived) to walking and/or biking to and from the school site(s): <br />Please check at least one <br />Z Limited or no cross walks <br />❑ Posted speed limits <br />Z Children walking or biking in street <br />Z Roadway safety <br />Z Commercial driveways/railroads/intersections <br />❑ Width of intersection or roadway <br />Z Width of shoulder, sidewalk and/or trail <br />Z On-street parking <br />Z Congestion near drop off points <br />❑ Recent changes in adjacent land use and/or development <br />Z Potential users not traveling due to perceived risk <br />❑ Possible storm water drainage design issues <br />Z Missing links, lack of facility, restrictive barriers <br />❑ Other <br />2. Problem Identification Description (limit 5,000 characters): <br />Instructions: Use the following space to articulate the SRTS problem so that you can demonstrate why <br />the proposed solution is necessary and appropriate. If documentation such as sketches, pictures, maps, <br />exhibits, diagrams, and tables are submitted, they must be referenced in the text, numbered sequentially <br />and submitted as an attachment (PDF, jpg, etc.). <br />In addition to describing the problem(s), explain any obstacles (physical or perceived) to walking/hiking to <br />school and how they are related to the identified problem(s). Identify risks or hazards facing children who <br />bike and/or walk to school and how they will be addressed by the proposed project. If crashes <br />or incidents have occurred, identify date, time, frequency, type, and severity of crashes that will be <br />addressed by the proposed project. Other information, such as health statistics may also be <br />included as support documentation. Was an engineering study of the prob/em conducted? If yes, please <br />explain and attach a copy. Provide pedestrian signal warrant analysis for intersections, trafflc studies, etc, <br />when applicable. <br />Describe the student population. Example: What is the percentage of children who currently walk or bike <br />to and from your school(s)? Complete Appendix A: CURRENT ENVIRONMENT (PRE-PROJECT) for <br />each school (included in this application). <br />Identify current and potentia/ safe wa/king and biking routes to schools. (Please see the SRTS Program <br />Guidance for assistance in determining safe routes.) <br />Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) <br />Infrastructure Project Application <br />lo~~ <br />