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AUG-21-2UUy 1U:4b FNLI~: WH I tK G1LL11y'J - I ~ i u»1 <br />1, Broken meter lock; <br />2. Damaged, broken, or disconnected curb stop; <br />3. Dialog damaged or disconnected; <br />4. Meter lock removed; <br />5. DamagQd or broken meter; <br />5. Meter stolen; <br />7. Unauthorized connection inserted; <br />8. Any unauthorized water usage; or <br />9. Any other damage to City property as a result of tampering acdviries." <br />Sectian b, That the water and sewer rates established in Sections 2 and 3 above <br />shall be effective with September 1, 2008 consumption, and wtll be reflected in water and <br />sewer billings beginning October 1, 2008. <br />Section 7. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of PaMs, Texas in conflict with the <br />provistons of thIs ordlnance are hereby repealed, and all other provisions af the ardinances of <br />the City aF Paris nat in confllct with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force <br />and effert ' <br />Section 8. The repeal-of any ordinance or part of ardinances affected by the <br />enactment oE thts ardlnance shall not be construed as abandonIng any action no%v pending <br />under or by virtue of such ordinance or as discontinuing, abating, modifying, or altering any <br />penalty accruing or to accrue, oz as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or <br />provisions of any ordinance at the time oEpassage of this ardinance. <br />Section 9. It 9s the intention of the City Council of the City af Paris that this <br />ardinance, and every provisian hereof, shall be considered severablQ, and the invalidity ar <br />partial invaIidity of any section, clause, or provisions af thls ardinance shall not affect the <br />validi'Ly of any other porton of this ordin2nce. <br />Sectiou 10. Any persan violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be <br />guilty of a Misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in accordance with Section 1-6 <br />of the Cade of Ordinances and each and every day's continuance of any violation aP the <br />above-enumerated section(s) shaU constitute and be deemed a separate offense. <br />Sectifln 12. Introduced and read on first reading on August 25, 2008, at a regular <br />meeting af the City Council of the Ciry of Paris and read and passed on sezond reading on <br />September 8, 2008, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Paris; the same <br />being two (2) separate regular meetings of the City Council af the City of Paris. <br />Section 12. That this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage of <br />tnQ s2cond reading and publfcation as requlred by law. <br />PASSED AND ADflPTED on secand and final reading this 9ti3 day af September, <br />2008. <br />4]seam~,.. /F~reiellenn, Mayor <br />F~: 5 of <br />