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Assistance Grant (JAG) Recovery Act Program for live scan <br />fingerprint equipment. <br />11.Deliberate and act on a resolution authorizing an Interlocal <br />Agreement between Ark-Tex Council of Governments for E911 <br />service and FSAP Equipment; and authorizing the Mayor to <br />execute all necessary documents. <br />i-teguiar Agencaa <br />12.Hear, deliberate, and act on presentation of Leadership Lamar <br />Class of 2009-2010 Class Feristyle Restoration Project. <br />13.Deliberate and act on the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of Lot 1, <br />Block A, Southwest LTC Addition 313, located in the 100 Block <br />of 47`" Street S.E. <br />14.Public hearing and deliberate on drainage issues east of 42" Street <br />S.E. <br />] S.Deliberate and act on the Preliminary Plat and Final Flat of Lot 2, <br />Block A_, Nelnls CB 32 ,4ddition, located at ] 202 and 1224 Pine <br />Bluff Street. <br />16.First reaciing, deliberate, and possibly act on aii Ordinance <br />abandoning a fifteen foot alley located between 3rd Street SE and <br />Sth Street SE. <br />17.Deliberate and act on a Resolution authorizing the execution of a <br />Deed of Abandonment to the adjacent property owner of a fifteen <br />foot alley abandoned by ardinance, between 3rd Street SE and 5`h <br />Street SE. <br />l 8.Deliberate and possibly take action on debt refunding. <br />19. Second reading and deliberate on an Oi•dinance granting to Steve <br />B. Raney and Wendy L. Raney, BBA Yellow Cab Company, an <br />extension of an existing franchise to use the public streets, alleys, <br />and highways of the City of Paris for the purpose of transporting <br />passengers for hire in motor vehicles. <br />20.Second reading and delibei-ate on an Ordinance granting to Steve <br />B. Raney and Wendy L. Raney, DBA City Cab Company, an <br />extension of an existing franchise to use the public streets, alleys, <br />and highways of the City of Faris for the purpose of transporting <br />passengers for hire in motor vehicles. <br />2l . Second reading and deliberate on an Ordinance granting to Bavid <br />Thompson DBR, Lone Star Cab Company, an extension of an <br />