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DEED OF ABANDONMENT <br />STATE OF TEXAS } <br />} KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR } <br />That the City of Paris, Texas a home-rule municipal corporation of the <br />County of Lamar, State of Texas, acting by and through its Mayor, duly <br />authorized by Resolution No. 2009-. for and in consideration of the sum of <br />Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00) cash and other good and valuable <br />consideration, in cash, to it in hand paid by Doyle Whitaker the receipt and <br />sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged; has Granted, Sold and Conveyed, <br />and by these presents does Grant, Sell and Convey unto the said Doyle Whitaker <br />of the County of Lamar, State of Texas, whose mailing address is 2550 Lamar <br />Ave., Paris, Texas 75460, the City of Paris' interest in all that certain tract or <br />parcel of land situated in Lamar County, Texas, and described as follows: <br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, <br />County of Lamar, and State of Texas, being a part of the Larkin <br />Rattan Survey, Abstract No. 778 Survey, and being a fifteen (15) <br />foot wide abandoned alley abandoned by City of Paris Ordinance <br />No. 2009- , depicted in survey Attached hereto as Exhibit A <br />and being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNIIVG at a point in the north boundary line of E <br />Hearon Street, also being the southeast corner of Lot 18, City <br />Block 142; <br />THENCE North along the east property line of said Lot 17 a <br />distance of 246.45 feet to a point for corner in the south property <br />line of Lot 23, also being the northeast corner of said Lot 17; <br />THENCE East along the south property line of said Lot 23 a <br />distance of 15 feet to a point for corner being the northwest <br />corner of Lot 14B, City Block 142; <br />THENCE South along the west property lines Lots 15 and <br />16, of said City Block a distance of 246.45 feet to a point for corner <br />_ " 1,~1rp, <br /> <br />