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P R O Cl AM.A 2-~TO.9V <br />"1N3-CEREAS, th.e City of Taris joins miCCions of citizens throughout the country in <br />recognizing Fe6ruary 8, zoio, as the joo" .2tnniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, the oCdest <br />youth organization in the 'ilnitedStates; and, <br />tiV3-CEREAS, the Boy Scouts of .lmerica tivas founded 6y Chicago pu6Cis(ier -NiCCiam Boyce on <br />Fe6ruary 8"', igio, and on June 21", igio, a group of 34 NationaC 7Zepresentatives opened a <br />temporary office for the NationaCBoy Scouts of America in Netiv l/ork; and, <br />'W3fEREAS, 6y igiz the Boy Scouts of America had enroCCecf inem6ers in every state; in <br />ig16, the Congress of the llnited States granted the Boy Scouts of America a federaC charter; <br />since i9io more t(ian one Aund~red-and-elven millon (ui,ooo,ooo) citizens have 6een mem6ers <br />of the Boy Scouts of America; today there are Boy Scouts counciCs Cocated in one /iundred- <br />e0,6ty Jz"ve (185) countries around the tivorC4- anc~ <br />IW3-CERE.?1.5, the purpose of the Boy Scouts of America has been and remains teaching <br />patriotism, courage, se f reCiance, and timeCess vaCues to the youth of the llnited States; <br />-W3-CEREAS, each CocaC 13oy Scout CounciC averages a minimum of ttivelve (lz) hours of <br />community service yearCy from each registered Boy Scout tivhich totals t/iirty millon <br />(35>000,000) service hours each year in the UnitedStates. The CocaCBoy Scout CounciCaverages <br />twentytaur tliausanif(z4,ooo) voCunteer service hours per year in addition to producing an <br />average of thirty five (35) EagCe Scouts. 'The NationaC Good Turn for America Project, a <br />cooperative effort 6ettiveen 3-la6itat for .7-Cumanity, the SaCvation Army, and the Boy Scouts of <br /> has totaCed eigl~it millon four liun~freafseventy tFiousana,'-(8,470,000) community <br />service hours over the Cast five years; and, <br />-W3-CEREAS, eCeven of the first ttiveCve astronauts tivho tivaCked on the surface of the moon <br />tivere EagCe Scouts and the Boy Scouts of America recognized EagCe Scout num6er two millon in <br />zoog; and, <br />lN3-fEREAS, more t(ian one million aduCt voCunteers seCfCessCy serve young persons in the <br />community through organizations chartered through the Boy Scouts of America and the aduCt <br />Ceaders of the Boy Scouts of 9lmerica seCdom receive and do not seek the gratitude of the pu6lic; <br />an d, <br />-W3CEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America consistentCy endeavors to deveCop United States <br />citizens tivGto are physicaCCy preparec~ mentaCCy ativare and emotionaCCy fit. ?he Boy Scouts <br />encourage faith, partic~pation in the outdoors and education in citizenship as preparation of <br />youth for the assumption of Ceadership roCes. ?(e Boy Scouts of America takes pride in the <br />heritage of this country and its roCe in the tivorCcftivhiCe maintaining a keen respect for the 6asic <br />riAhts of aCCpeopCe. <br />N071; 7"3fT1ZT,TORT, I, i-ESSE J.s'LmEs -7'"RETZE-1; M-4yOR OF -Ir~T CI?V O-T P.ARIS, <br />?"EY,~U, 6y tlie autkority vested-in me, d-o liere6yproclaim tlie montlz of~'e6ruary, 201o, as, <br />'BOySC07l~7'Mo-*r.71" andin `ionor oftlie CentennialC'el6ration a~signatesj'e6ruary 8, zolo <br />as, 'BOy sco7tU o,r AMERreA D-Ay" in 7'aris; Lamar Caunty, Txas, cznd encourage our <br />citzzens ta continue to su,rort scouting in our community, and']`i.,rtlier express our <br />appreciation to tle Boy Scouts af.America foy t!-eiY rnteresl in andedi'cation to .America's <br />youtl~r. <br />L91r J-2'S-I)I'.r'~fO.Ny y!'.9f~'1?TOT Ikave liereunto set my liand and-caused-tlie Sealof tAe City <br />to 6e affixedat tlie City ofParis, tkis tlie zs day ofjanuary, zolo. <br />.s't??~'S? <br />jesse James Freel n, Mayor <br />,janice I'llu; City Clenk <br />.~PPROY--D ."4 S' 70 FORr'Lf.• <br />V. 9Cent -Mcllyar, City Attorney <br />