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09-Resolution authorizing the City of Paris to contract w/the County Elections Administrator for 2010 General Election
City Council
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01 January
09-Resolution authorizing the City of Paris to contract w/the County Elections Administrator for 2010 General Election
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1/22/2010 4:23:33 PM
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The Elections Administrator agrees to provide advisory services to the Entity as necessary to <br />conduct a proper recount. <br />XVI. COMPLIANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT <br />The Elections Administrator will assist the Entity in securing adequate polling places, <br />rent free if available; however, it is the responsibility of the Entity to ensure that the polling <br />places comply with current accessibility standards as set forth in the Americans With Disabilities <br />Act and any state or local laws or ardinances. Accessibility compliance shall be at the Entity's <br />expense. In the event that compliance cannot be achieved, the Entity agrees to indemnify the <br />Elections Administrator and Lamar County, Texas from any resulting liability, whether civil or <br />criminal. <br />XVII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />A. It is understood that to the extent space is available, that other political subdivisions <br />may wish to participate in the use of the County's election equipment, and it is <br />agreed that the Elections Administrator may contract with such other political <br />subdivisions for such purposes and that in such event there may be an adjustment of <br />the pro-rata share to be paid to the County by the participating authorities. <br />B. The Elections Administrator shall file copies of this document with the Lamar <br />County Treasurer and the Lamar County Auditar in accordance with Section 31.099 <br />of the Texas Elections Code. <br />C. In the event that legal action is filed challenging the Entity's election, each party <br />hereto shall defend its own actions, officials and employees. Provided, however, if it <br />is determined that the legal action brought against Lamar County or the Lamar <br />County Elections Administrator or any additional election personnel, is based solely <br />on the negligent acts or the wrongful intentional actions of the entity, then the Entity <br />shall provide, at its own expense, legal representation for the County, the Elections <br />Administrator, and additional election personnel as necessary save and except in any <br />instance whereby an unlawful or otherwise improper act or omission of the County, <br />the Election Administrator or another Entity participating in the election has <br />precipitated such legal action. <br />D. The County and the Entity agree that under the Constitution and laws of the State of <br />Texas, neither the County nor the Entity can enter into an agreement whereby either <br />party agrees to indemnify or hold harmless another party; therefore, all references of <br />any kind, if any, to indemnifying or holding or saving harmless for any reason are <br />hereby deleted. <br />E. This Contract shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State <br />of Texas, and all obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in <br />Lamar County, Texas. <br />7 <br />~ j <br />
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