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Regular City Council Meeting <br />December 14, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />A Motion to invoke the super majority rule was made by Council Member Pickle and <br />seconded by Council Member McCarthy. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Kear and seconded by <br />Council Member Rogers. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />25. Deliberate and possibly refer to Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation <br />of the need to require a specific use permit for the loading, unloading or transloading of <br />crude oil. <br />A Motion to refer this item to Planning and Zoning was made by Council Member <br />Biard and seconded by Council Member McCarthy. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />26. Receive update on West Gate Apartments. <br />City Council received an update from City Manager Kevin Carruth and City Engineer <br />Shawn Napier as follows: West Gate Apartments were purchased from Capital One Bank by <br />Destiny Capital. Staff has been working with Destiny Capital to facilitate the sale of the <br />complex by Destiny to a developer. The buildings will have to be brought up to code before it <br />can reopen. The most recent potential buyer was proposing to subdivide the property and have <br />several different owners take a section of the property to decrease the overall investment <br />amount. <br />27. Receive an update on One Oak Apartments. <br />City Council received an update from City Manager Kevin Carruth and City Engineer <br />Shawn Napier as follows: Asbestos abatement of the One Oak Apartments complex has been <br />completed, except for a small area in the southeast corner that was damaged by fire. The RFP <br />to demolish the complex has been drafted and is being reviewed by staff, with advertising for <br />potential bidders expected in January. To date the City has spent $162,351 on One Oak, <br />which is currently owned by Chad and Debra Brown. <br />28. Deliberate and act on appointment of Airport Planning Advisory Committee. <br />Shawn Napier said that City had received a grant from TxDOT to develop an airport <br />master plan and that part of the planning process included the creation of a Planning Advisory <br />Committee. Mr. Napier also said that the following proposed committee members had agreed <br />to serve: <br />Jack Ashmore - Airport Advisory Board Chairperson, pilot <br />Kevin Carruth - City Manager <br />Brad Eilrich - Operations Manager, Campbell Soup, industry <br />0o onli <br />