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06-Council Min. from 12/7/09, 12/14/09, adn 01/11/10
City Council
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01 January
06-Council Min. from 12/7/09, 12/14/09, adn 01/11/10
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Special Council Meeting <br />December 7, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Freelen expressed there were appropriate places for manufactured homes other <br />than mobile home parks. <br />City Attorney Kent McIlyar said that areas zoned SF3 allowed manufactured housing, but <br />only after going to City Council for approval of a specific use permit. Council Member <br />Biard inguired of Mayor Freelen if he was contemplating subdivisions for manufactured <br />housing, as well as requiring those who wanted to place a manufactured home in a SF3 <br />zoning area to apply for a specific use permit. Mayor Freelen answered in the affirmative. <br />Council Member Rogers said if permitted, there should be certain restrictions. Council <br />Member Kear suggested adopting the proposed ordinance as written with the understanding <br />that City Council would review the applications on a case by case basis. Council Members <br />Biard and Pickle both agreed with Council Member Kear. <br />City Council continued discussion of grandfathering existing homes, specific use permits, <br />variances, and designation of manufactured home parks. <br />It was a consensus of the City Council to adopt the revised ordinance, but to include <br />prohibition of manufactured housing except in designated manufactured home parks and S173 <br />zoned areas with specific use permits. City Council also decided to grandfather existing <br />manufactured homes/mobile homes and identify their location on a list. <br />Council Member Biard made a Motion ta adopt the revised ordinance to include <br />prohibition of manufactured housing except in designated manufactured parks and SF3 zoned <br />areas with specific use permits, and grandfather the existing homes. Council Member Biard <br />also said that the existing homes should be identified and placed on a list. Shawn Napier said <br />that additional changes would be reguired because the Ordinance conflicts with other City <br />Ordinances. <br />Council Member Biard suggested that the ordinance be sent back to Planning and Zoning <br />to review their recommended changes. It was a consensus of City Council to do so. <br />Kent McIlyar clarified with City Council that should a developer come in and want to <br />construct new development, which Council wanted ta staff to follow the standards set out in <br />the proposed Ordinance. It was a consensus of City Council to do so. <br />Council Member Biard left the meeting at 7:00 p.m. <br />Council Member Rogers said she had a problem with the 1,000 feet setback, because the <br />City required a 200 feet setback on other properties. It was a consensus of City Council to <br />change the Ordinance to reflect a requirement of a 200 feet setback in SF3 zoned areas and <br />manufactured home parks. It was also of City Council to make the following changes to the <br />proposed Ordinance: <br />Page 5, Section 4A License Required Section 4A - change to non-gender specific <br />Page 5, Section 4A - last sentence add the word "the" between the words on and 31 S` <br />~ 00000;y <br />
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