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(8) Shall perform all duties incident to the office, and such other duties as <br />shall be prescribed from time to time by the Board. <br />B. The Vice Pr-esiden Chairman shall have the following authority: <br />(1) In the absence of the Pr-esiden Chairman or in the event of his inability to <br />act, the Vice Chairman shall preside over meetings of the Board and shall <br />assume the authority and duties of the Pr-esidenn Chairman. <br />(2) Shall have joint si ng atory authoritv over operating accounts of the Paris <br />Economic Development Corporation. <br />(3) The Vice PfesiAeChairman shall also perform other duties as from time <br />to time may be assigned to him by the Pr-esideChairman. <br />C. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have the following authority: <br />(1) Shall keep, or cause to be kept, at the registered office a record of minutes <br />of all meetings of the Board and any committees of the Board. Further, <br />the Secretary-Treasurer will make said minutes available in accordance <br />with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Texas Open Records Act, and <br />other applicable law. <br />(2) Shall be custodian of the Corporation records and seal of the Corporation, <br />and shall keep a register of the mailing address and street address, if <br />different, of each Director. <br />(3) Shall insure that a copy of all Board and committee minutes is filed with <br />the City Clerk of the City of Paris. <br />(4) Shall verify official signatures of officers of the Corporation. <br />(5) Shall alon with the Finance Director for the City of Paris, Texas have <br />charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the <br />Corporation and shall endorse on behalf of the Corporation for collection, <br />checks notes and other obligations and shall deposit the same to the credit <br />of the Corporation in the depositorv bank desi nag ted bv the Citv of Paris. <br />BYLAWS-PARIS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />000256 <br />