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Executive Summary <br />ES.1 History of Pat Mayse Lake Study Committee <br />The City of Paris, Texas (City) entered into a Memorandi.m of Understanding (MOU) <br />with the City of Irving, Texas (Irving) on January 14, 2008 for the purpose of evaluating issues <br />related to the potential sale of water to Irving. To assist the City in evaluating the potential sale <br />of water, the City authorized the creation of the Pat Mayse Lake Study Committee (Committee). <br />The goal of the Committee is to "Educate, inform, and advise the Paris City Council and citizens <br />of Lamar County as to the best long-range commitment of its water resources." Four key <br />deliverables were identified by the Coinmittee to assist in achieving their goals including: <br />• A detenilination of the total amount of water available to the community from <br />existing sources; <br />• A detennination of the total amount of water required for local consumption, <br />coiztractual obligations, reserves, and future needs (through 2060); <br />• Recommendations for additional water resources to be explored in order to <br />expand the existing water supply base; and <br />• Periodic conunuiiications to the Paris City Council and community to keep them <br />informed of the progress of the Committee. <br />The City entered into a contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) to provide <br />consulting services related to the investigation of a potential water sale to Irving. HDR's services <br />were initiated in June of 2008 and included numerous meetings with the Committee to discuss <br />the following analyses: <br />• Information on estimates of future water denlands of the City and their existing <br />customers through 2060; <br />• Inforniation on water supplies available from eaisting supply sources based on <br />estimated year 2060 conditions; and <br />• Infonilation on potential additional water supplies which could reasonably be <br />developed by the City. <br />Key defulitions and abbreviatioils included throughout this report include the following. <br />• Acre-feet - This is a common measurement of volume of water. An acre-foot is <br />the volume of water represented by the area of 1 acre covered by one foot of <br />Ciry of Paris - Pa1 Mayse Lake StucJy ES- l <br />Jaiiuary 2009 - Draft 011 <br />~ <br />~ 0 <br />