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Are additional sheets or supporting materials attached? X❑ Yes ❑ No <br />I request that this item be placed on the agenda for the _Monday Januxry ll., 2010 City <br />Counci[ meeting. <br />Certi#"ication: I understand that the City Council retains the right to set the items fox discussion <br />at its meetings and further understand that my request will not be autamatically placed on an <br />agenda or may even be denied. I also understand that I may be requested to present additional <br />information on my item, asked to consult with the appropriate City depaitment, or take other <br />action before my req s's co~derep I,.~gree to attend the meeting at which my item anay <br />appear and make a p esen ti ~/g~an~r questions. <br />Date: <br />City of Paris Revised 10/23/07 <br />