Buyer may extend the lnspeoiion Perlod for two (2) thirty {30} bus{ness day perlods upon the payment (o the
<br />Escrow Agertt on or before the date of the explration of the orlginal time perlod ofi the inspect(on Period, or
<br />exlensian iheraof, of an ~mount af $1,000 por extension period required, held in oscrow por the ferms and
<br />candltlons descrlbed hei'e3n and shall be appllcable to tfie Put'chase f'rice af Closing. Thls Exkenslon Money
<br />will be non-refimdable but appllcable to the f'urahase Price,
<br />7, Survev and Title. Buyar slial{ be responslble (ot obtaining an updated suNey of the Properly and a tllle
<br />policy commllment, Upon recelpf af notice of any obJectlons fa tille or survey, Selier shalf have iiftesn (15) days
<br />aftor recefpt af such notice ta safisfy or cure such objectlons io Suyer's saflsfactlon. If Sellei' faifs Qr declines to
<br />sallsfy the same wifhln such perlad, the Buysr, at Buyer's option, may iermfnate the Agreement and all Earnost
<br />Money shall be roturned to Buyer.
<br />8, Cornmisstons. Solfer and Buyer warratit and represont to caach ofher fhat lhey liave nat amployed or deait
<br />wlth eny ofhor real esiate agant or Uroker relative to the sale and purchase of the Property, flther fhan Un{fed
<br />Country Rlvor Valiey Properlies and Henry S. Miller 8rokarage, LLC, tahoso six percent (6%) conimissi4n sltall
<br />be split four peroent {4°!0} to Counfry River Valley f'ropertfES and fwo parcent (2%) fo Henry S. Mlller
<br />Bro}terage, l.LC and paid by Selier at Closing. Each party hereUy agi'ees lo indemnlfy and hafd harmless the
<br />other fi'om and agahtst any Iiabiliiy (includiny cnsts and raasnnabke atkorneys' faes) Incurred in ihe defense
<br />thereof !o any nther agenls or beokers wilh whom such partY maY }iave dealt.
<br />J, Re resenEations ancf 1Narrantles and Covenants of Seller. Seller warrants and roprosents and covenants lo
<br />Buyer that there are no aotions, suits or prnoaeciings pending or tiTreatened agatnsk, by or afiecting Selier or the
<br />Property; seller has the authority to convey the Property to Buyer wiihout the )olnder of any oiher person or
<br />enlity; ofher than as d(sclosed fa Buyar, iharo are no environmental ha2ards on the Proparfy; an the Ciosi►ig
<br />Date, Sellar wili not be indebted io atiy canEraclar, laborer, mechanic, rnaterlalmen, archi(ect or englneer far
<br />woric, labor ar servicos pertormed or rendered, or for materlals supplied or furnished, in conneotion wlth the
<br />Pc'operiy fot whici) any porson coulcl claim a ilen against the Property; and the Property wlli be deliVored to
<br />Buyer at Closl►tg free and clear from any feases, contt'acts and tenants in possossion. Each ropresentation and
<br />warranty of Selier contalnetl ln ihIs Agreement shall be true and accurale as of the date heteof aitd sltall be
<br />deemed io Iiave Geen mado agaln at and as of Closing and sh'ail be then true and accura[e In a11 materlal
<br />respects,
<br />10. Dainaae and Condemnation. 5ellor s11a11 notify guyer prompkly upon the occurrence af any dailiage, ;
<br />destruetlan, taklng or kf7reat of talcing effec4ing the Praperty,
<br />11, Dofa ik, lf Buyer daiaulls, Seller may torrnlnate tlils Agreement by written notice to suyer, whereupnn the
<br />Earnest Money, Eind any olher deposits, If any, Iier~ u ed}l~sh al~ ye ~~li 1 ave `~ny ft rthern compoblilote, t o-
<br />damage s f o r t f i e d a f a u l l o f B ury e r, I n w h l c h e v e n I p
<br />iiabllilies undei' tiils Agraement, If Sefler defaults, Buyer may avall itself of the ramo dy a f s p e c i f i c p e r f o r m a n c e
<br />or terminate this Agreertyent by wrltfeii nal lce to Seller, whereunon the F-arnasl Money sha(1 be reiundecl to
<br />Buyer as full and complete liquidated damagos for sucli default and Seller siiali relmburse t3uyer• for all aul-of-
<br />pacl<ef expanses. ~ ' .
<br />12, Asslqnnletlf. Bliyor may at an p~' ae ~ enFonrc bic against ~ antl shall inure io'the benefltiof ntlie parti seland ,
<br />Tlils Agreement sliall be bUid(ng up - :
<br />tliolr respective isgal represenfatlves, sticcessors attd assfgns,
<br />13. Applicable Law. Tfiis Agreemenl shafl bs governad by and construecl and enforcad in acco`clancc wiithithe
<br />laws of the stcite in whlch the Properly fs Iticated,
<br />14. Miscella+ie_aus. Time.shalf be of essence in lhe performance of the ferms anci condlilons of tnis Agreepii~nt, Sun
<br />he
<br />bnk ln the event sny tlme perlod specified lhen fha expires berexten eddso as to exp aofdo n.~l..b
<br />whlcll national 6ani<s are Glosed tor I~uslness, next business daY lniniediately Us Mor+day L'lhrough rF itlay, bank heclognizablo su leoorSFedehal
<br />Agree~nent, Uusliiess days shal! ~
<br />~
<br />