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VIII. CITATION DATA COLLECTION & REPORTING <br />An officer is required to collect information relating to traffic stops in which a citation is <br />issued or an arrest is made. Officers must record the following information for each such <br />traffic stop: <br />A. the violator's race or ethnicity; <br />B. whether a search was conducted; <br />C. was the search consensual; and <br />D. whether an arrest was made for the cited violation or any other violation. <br />The department shall submit a report annually to the City Council of the City of Paris, Paris, <br />Texas that includes the information gathered by the citations and arrest reports generated as a <br />result of traffic or pedestrian stops from the preceding calendar year. The report will include: <br />A. a breakdown of citations issued and/or arrests made by race or ethnicity; <br />B. the number of citations issued and/or arrests made that resulted in a search; <br />C. the number of searches that were consensual; and <br />D. the number of citations that resulted in custodial arrest for the cited violation or any other <br />violation. <br />IX. USE OF VIDEO AND AUDIO EQUIPMENT <br />Each motor vehicle regularly used by this department to make traffic and pedestrian stops <br />shall be equipped with a video camera and transmitter-activated equipment, and each <br />motorcycle regularly used by this department to make traffic and pedestrian stops shall be <br />equipped with transmitter-activated equipment. <br />Each traffic and pedestrian stop made by an officer of this department that is capable of <br />being recorded by video and audio, or audio, as appropriate, shall be recorded. <br />This department shall retain the video and audiotapes of each traffic and pedestrian stop <br />for at least ninety (90) days after the date of the stop. If a complaint is filed with this <br />department alleging that one of its' officers has engaged in racial profiling with respect to a <br />traffic or pedestrian stop, this department shall retain the video and audiotapes, or the <br />audiotape of the stop until final disposition of the complaint. <br />Supervisors will ensure officers of this department are recording their traffic and <br />pedestrian stops. Randomly selected video recordings of each officer will be reviewed at <br />least once every ninety (90) days. <br />~io o~ .r~~ 19 <br />