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4. Public heat•ing, consideration of and action on the application.for a denaolition per-niit by Ben M. <br />Vaughan for the structure located at 1016 Church Sti-eet. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />The following individual spoke in favor of the petition. <br />Ben Vaughan, 1225 201h Street S.E., Mr. Vaughan spoke in favor of the petition, proposing to <br />remove dilapidated garage and chicken coop. <br />No one spoke in opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Jerry Raper, seconded by Matt Coyle to approve the COA. Motion carried 5- <br />0. <br />--CONSENT AGENDA--- <br />[Itenzs appear-ing on this consent agenda may be apprroved by a single vote of the Commission, with <br />such approval applicable to all items appearing on said agenda. If any Commission member desir•es <br />to discuss and coTZSider separately any iteni appearing on the conserzt agenda, that Commissiolz <br />mentber may do so by requestitig that the item be removed fironz the consent agenda and considered <br />as a separate item.J <br />5. Discussion of and possible action regarding the following structur-es considered by code inspectors <br />to be in violation of Ar-ticle III of Chapter 7 of the Code of Ordinances of the Citi) of Paris, Paris, <br />Texas, entitled "Substandard and Danger-ous Buildings and Structures, " to determine wlzether such <br />buildifzgs or structures can be f-ehabilitated and designated on t7ie National Register of Historic <br />Places, as a recorded Texas Historic Landmark, or as 17istoric properry as designated by the Ciry <br />Council of the Gity of Paris: <br />A. 1204 E. Polk <br />B. 864 13`J' Street S.E. <br />C. 516 4`i` Street N. W. <br />D. 846 West Cheriy <br />E. 615 Grand Avenue <br />Motion was made by Pau] Denney, seconded by Matt Coyle to send all structures to the Building <br />and Standards Commission for demolition since they cannot be rehabilitated nor do they have <br />significant historical value. Motion carried 6-0. <br />6 Request items, f'or, future agendas. There were none. <br />_ 00Q1i2i <br />