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Reg lar Cou cil Meeting <br />A ril 12, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />Mike Womack, 1610 FM 1500, Sumner - he asked that the City C uncil clare next <br />month as Motorcycle Safety Awareness month. He also asked that the City urchas "share the <br />road" signs. <br />John Petersen, 7810 Clark Lane - he said that the enforcement of Iles and <br />was not administered fairly. <br />Consent Azenda <br />Mayor Freelen inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull ny ite s from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. Council Member McCarthy asked that the B ilding and <br />Standards Commission minutes of January 20, 2010 be corrected by havin Chris rown sign <br />the minutes, because Bill Harris was not present at the meeting. <br />Subject to the Building and Standards Commission minutes being correct , Council <br />Member Brown inade a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda and Cou il M ber Pickle <br />seconded the Motion. The Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approv and adopt <br />Consent Agenda ltems 5 and 6. <br />5. Deliberate and act on the approval of minutes from the meetings on tarch 2, 2010 and <br />Apri 15, 2010. <br />6. Receive and deliberate on reports and/or minutes from the followi g boards, <br />commissions, and committees: <br />a. Building and Standards Commission minutes (1-20-2010) <br />b. Traffic Commission minutes (2-2-2010) <br />c. Airport Advisory Board ininutes (I 1-19-2009; 1-21-2010) <br />d. Paris Historic Preservation Commission minutes (3-10-2010) <br />e. Planning and Zoning Commission minutes (3-1-2010) <br />Resular Asenda <br />7. Hear and deliberate on Paris Economic Development Corporation qua erly re ort. <br />PEDC Executive Director Steve Gilbert presented City Council the <br />Hear and deliberate on presentation of Community Planning Project. <br />Bill Bancroft of Conbrio outlined the project goals and answered que tions frm the City <br />Council. Several Council Members said they wanted references prior to m ving f rward with <br />engaging the services of Conbrio. <br />3 <br />