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Regular Agenda <br />13. Hear and deliberate on potential plans for the development and future use of the Casa <br />Bonita property. <br />14. Deliberate and possibly act on changing the date for selection of appointing members to <br />various boards, commissions, and committees. <br />15. Deliberate and act on a Resolution appointing members to various boards, commissions, <br />and committees. (A motion to remove this item from the table is required before deliberating.) <br />16. Deliberate and act on a Resolution approving the execution of an application for a Texas <br />Parks & Wildlife Recreational Trails Grant for extending the Trail de Paris from g`n <br />Street SE and the railroad to 4th Street SW and Hearne Street. <br />17. Deliberate and act on a Resolution approving an Agreement between the City of Paris <br />and Lamar County Water Service District for release of Daisy Farms property from <br />certificated area held by the District to allow the City to provide a supply of treated water <br />to the Dairy. <br />18. Deliberate and act on a Resolution accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the <br />Texas Capital Fund Grant 14" water main extension to Daisy Farms TCF #729192 to the <br />lowest responsible bidder; and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute all <br />necessary documents. <br />19. Deliberate on update of water and sewer capital improvements. <br />20. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government <br />Code to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, <br />discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee as follows: Annual evaluation of <br />the City Attorney. <br />21. Reconvene into open session to possibly deliberate or act on those matters discussed in <br />Executive Session. <br />22. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />23. Adjournment. <br />Certifâ–șcation <br />I certify that the above notice of ineeting was posted on the bulletin board in the City Hall Annex, 150 First <br />g t. SE, Paris, Texas, no later than 5:30 p.m. on April 23, 2010. <br />, CO(2in <br />nice Ellis, City Clerk <br />Special Accommodations <br />This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessibie parking spaces are available. Requests for special <br />accommodations or interpretive services must be made forty-eight (48) hours prior to this meeting. Please <br />contact Janice Ellis at (903) 784-9248 or (903) 784-9291 for assistance. <br />