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PROJECT SUMMARY <br />Complete the following project summary to the best of your ability. Please note <br />that the project summary is based on the scoring criteria stated in the request for <br />proposals. Please refer to the specific questions listed in the scoring criteria <br />when completing the project summary. Please be detailed, but provide clear and <br />concise information. The project summary consists of four sections, A through D, each <br />with a maximum value of 20 points. <br />A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (20 Points) <br />In the space below, provide a description of the proposed project, based on <br />specific questions listed in the scoring criteria. Please attach additional <br />pages if needed. <br />The City of Paris seeks to increase the efficiency and <br />effectiveness of our brush recycling and compost site <br />facility by obtaining funding for a Bobcat S250 5kid <br />Steer Loader. <br />The proposed loader will be placed at our brush <br />recycling and compost site to assist the citizens of Paris <br />and City staff with all aspects of brush and limb <br />recycling. <br />In 2009, the City of Paris took in 3,160 cu. yards of <br />brush from citizen call-ins. During this same time, the City of Paris also checked in 2,829 <br />separate resicients at our brush recycling and compost site. From this, the City of Paris produced <br />160,786 cu. yards of Type A& B mulch. The mulch is then made available to the public free of <br />charge. <br />The proposecl londer will be predominantly used to assist citizens in the unloading of brush and <br />limbs, haulin11 tlle hnish and limbs to the grinder, and managing the mulch generated from the <br />recycled brush anci limbs. We feel that the loader will cut the time spent on this process by 50- <br />60%. This increase in el'ficiency will not only help the citizens of Paris, but also the citizens of <br />our entire region. The City of Paris will accomplish this by networking with surrounding counties <br />and municip:i lities to offer mulch to the entire public free of charge. <br />In addition, the City of Paris is in the process of starting an e-waste staging area at our brush <br />recycling and compost site. The proposed loader will be instrumental in this process as well, with <br />loading and manabing the e-waste materials. <br />50 <br />