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B. WORK PROGRAM (20 Points) <br />In the space below, provide a work program for the proposed project, based <br />on specific questions listed in the scoring criteria. Please present your work <br />program in outline form, placing the requested information under each <br />separate task or step identified. Please attach additional pages if needed. <br />• City staff purchases Bobcat Skid Steer Loader in accordance with federal, state, and local <br />purchasing statutes. <br />• The loader will be placed at the City of Paris Brush Recycling and Compost Site to assist <br />with brush intake, chipping, and loading. <br />• City staff mans the loader to ensure safe and effective use and delivery of services. <br />• City of Paris will advertise recycled mulch, free of charge, in newspapers and <br />publications in the surrounding municipalities and geographic area. <br />• City staff will coordinate with local landscaping companies, school districts, gardening <br />clubs, and construction companies to receive mulch, free of charge. <br />• City staff's time and advertisements will be paid for through the general fund, and will <br />not be funded by the grant. <br />