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Detailed description of project (including description of need, scope of work, methodology, who benefits, other <br />project partners, etc.): Challenge Dav will be provided to three school districts - Chisum, North Lamar, and <br />Paris There will be 2 three day sessions which will be divided amonp, the school districts. This is a aowerful <br />national prop_ram that helps students recopnize their preiudices and destructive behavior and learn how to change <br />their attitudes Total cost will be between $25,000 and $30,000 but school districts will pav half. <br />This is the third vear for the Communitv Wide Block Party which brinas together people from all walks of <br />life Food, music, and entertainment are provided - all of which helps unite us. More vouth booths will be <br />available this vear for sign-ups - Boys and Girls Scouts, soccer, Bovs and Girls Club, etc. <br />The first communitv racial dialogue will take place in July and it is hoped this can continue. <br />Paris has suffered and continues to suffer from an imaEe of a racial communitv. These proiects brinil <br />together qeople of all races to work together on the proiects and to benefit from them. <br />City of Paris Revised 7/07/09 <br />