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LP-Gas - A$50.00 a construction permit is required for the installation of or modification to an LP-Gas <br />System. <br />Spraving or Dipping - A$100.00 construction permit is required to install or modify a spray room, dip <br />tank or booth. <br />Standpipe svstems - A$100.00, construction permit is required to install a standpipe system. The <br />permit fee will be waived if the standpipe system is a part of an automatic sprinkler system. <br />Required Fire Operational Permit Fees <br />Explosives: A$100.00 permit is required. <br />Exception: <br />No permit fee assessed for public fireworks displays where admission is free to the public. <br />Fire hvdrants and valves: A$50.00 permit is required. <br />Exceptions: <br />(1) A permit is not required for authorized employees of the City of Paris to use or operate fire <br />hydrants of valves in performance of their duties. <br />(2) A fire permit is not required for a"meter on a fire hydrant" that is installed in accordance <br />with a billing arrangement through the City of Paris Water Billing Department. The Fire Code <br />Official shall be notified of all meters installed on fire hydrants. <br />Hot Work Oqerations: A$25.00 operational permit is required for hot work during public exhibitions <br />and demonstrations. <br />Open Burning: Following the review of the application for open burning an operational permit is <br />required to kindle or maintain any fire defined as "Open burning" in the City of Paris, except for a <br />"Training Fire" conducted by the Paris Fire Department. <br />No fee will be accessed for permits. <br />1. Agricultural Burn Permits shall be issued by the fire code official for property that is a <br />minimum of ten (10) acres in size and is zoned agricultural by the City of Paris. An agricultural burn <br />permit will be valid for one (1) full year and no fee will be accessed for its issuance. Only brush, limbs, <br />trees and other natural vegetation may be burned at the discretion of the fire code official, as long as <br />such material is generated from that property on which it is to be burned. <br />2. Standard Burn Permits shall be issued by the fire code official for disposal and recreational <br />fires. Only brush, limbs, trees, and clean, untreated lumber may be burned. <br />Private fire hvdrants: A$50.00 operational permit is required. <br />Exception: A permit is not required for a private industry who has trained maintenance personnel, or a <br />private fire brigade. <br />~ n <br />