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11-Hear and deliberate on presentations from non-profit organizations requesting funding
City Council
Agenda Packets
08 August
11-Hear and deliberate on presentations from non-profit organizations requesting funding
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Detailed descrlpflons of project (inclading description of aeed, scope of wrork, methodolog,y, who benefita, <br />number of bene5ciaries, other projeet psrtners, etc.): SAFUT was founded in Titus County in 1995 to assi_st <br />victims of domestic violence and sexual assanlt. The 6rst shelber opsw¢ in August 1996 with funding from Texas <br />Heahh and Human Services Commission, and later funds from the Office of flie Attarney General for a Sexual Assauk <br />Program. Since that time._SAFE-T staff and budget has grown fiom 2 volunteers ta ovar 24 employees with a sYartintt <br />budget of $21,0(}0 to over $850.000/vear. In the gast 15 xears many things have been ac+eomFlished including: <br />renovating a day care cetrter into a shelter, Thrift stores (3) and btulding a 7.200 square foot Admnusuation <br />/Education Non-resideirtial services center in 2005. The shelter and Mt. Pleasant Thri.ft s#ore are debt free and owned <br />by SAFE-T. The Admin offiee has a remain,ing balance of 5190.000 wluch is reduced from profit made from the ML <br />Pleasant Thrift Store. Emergencv reserve funds remain af $100,000. <br />imat* three years ago, a group of citims from Lamar County visited the SAFE-T Board and Staff in Mt <br />Aonax <br />Pleasant in order to ask for assistance in vroviding services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in <br />Lamar County. The result of the two hour discussion resulted in the opening, af an office in Peris witb volunteer <br />assistanca. This group of service providers and concerned citizens included: Child Protective Service, CASA, business <br />members, victims of abuse, and the Dishict Attorney's office. At this time Family Haven was providinp~minimal <br />services to victirm but out of respect for this agency, SAFE-T did not advertise and remained in the bac ound <br />accepting refeirais from the service aeencies that brought it to Paris. The inteution originally was to provide limited <br />assistance to victims on a temporary basis, limiting the costs of serviees. As the referrals increased, SAFE-T reaiized <br />the need for a more,permanent office thst could provide longer hours of service. The dilemma was fundiny, as Federal <br />and S#ate funds hd bcen reduced for all shelters making it more difficult ta maintain cutrent programs. In spite of the <br />cut backs. SAFE-T maintaineri programs and actually inereased outreach services. In November 2008, a Thrift Store <br />was opened in Paris which included two offices, one which was used far providing client services and the other as an <br />office for the store. When the store moved to gnother location, the office again moved and is currently located within <br />the Paris Housing Authority complezc at 615 Ninth SW. Couoseling is provided weekly to approximately 45 cIients by <br />Dr. Ctaire Haslam. SAFE-T Thrift Stores not only,provide an income to assist with non-grant Menses, but also assist <br />clients who are in need of clothing and furnishin{r,s for hoasing which are aceessed by voucher. <br />Victims of domestic violenee are still not aware that there is an agency available for assistance. SAFE-T pmvides <br />shelter to victims from Lamax County by tirranspor#ation to Mt Pleasant. This maX not be the best scenario for each <br />client bu# it is the best that we can o$'er at the.present tia. WepU the cost of a motel fa these clients that we cannot <br />transnort that night. We must educate the community re raud'uig the services that are in place right now. We are in <br />need <br />of funds to help pay for an Outreach Advocate that would be hired from the Paris area to devalop a plau to advertise <br />these services through media. PSA (Public Service Announcements), prWnWions to civic and chtuch gaoups. and <br />or ag n~g programs such as already in place in Mt. Pleasant For example: Anger Management Pro umms far men, <br />women and teens, housing assistance programs, and leg,al advocacy. <br />SAFE-T was awatded a large housing grant last September for two vears of $538,000 which pays hausing assistance <br />costs of dgposits, rent and ufilities for families. We have two staff hired under this grag that provides these services <br />and we have bcen seeing~over 25 families each month who are in the housing rnogaam and an additionat 40 who are <br />receiving~other services. We also were awarded a Crisis Response Team grant that allows us to ga to a victim's house <br />when law enforcement have been cal(ed for a domestic violence eall= We provide advocacv on srte. <br />These funds from the City of Paris would be used w~I far Qart of a salar,y for the Advocate, program sagplies <br />(prin~ materials, files, etcj and mileage Q) .40/mile to travel to Mx. Pleasant Yo transport clients to shelter, and bring <br />them back to Paris fnr court Wearances and other needed In 2009, SAFE-T provided serviees to a,pt>roxirrâ–ºately 73 <br />clients from Lamar County. We estimate that in 2010 tiiat number will increase to over 6001. We cUrrently have two <br />Paris residents in the shelber which can hold 30 people. There are six bedrooms with bunk beds in each mom. We can <br />add cn'bs or pallets for children when nasded= Lastyear we added one bedroom to accammQdate the number of <br />.102 <br />
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