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preparation, c oi7ental, homebnver couilselinQ, home i °ctions, or oCher project specific <br />sen,ices necessalv to enable an uldividual property to close ~,,iesuming that Paris LivinR or one <br />of its collsultant(s) perfonlls that actual se;ti-ice). Pans LivinL, azrees that its fees will noi <br />e~ceed an.ounts allowable as eosts that can be charged aL'alnst the administrative or prolect <br />relatea soft costs of the ProQrain or at7aiilst third party panicipants. <br />Further it is understood that while tl,~.e administrative costs wili be charQed for accomplishing <br />certain administrative tasks, that TDHCA requires that any administrative draw processed to <br />TDHCA not exceed the percentage of projects coinpleted and drawn. Therefore, Paris Living <br />will bill the City and prepare subsequent documentation for reimbursement from TDHCA to <br />the City based upon the following acneral activity categories and per the following milestones: <br />[NOTE: the following milestones are based upon 20 units to be completed as specified in <br />the contract between the Coty of Paris and TDHCA. If that contract should be amended <br />to increase or decrease the number of units to be completed, the Uillins milestones will be <br />adjusted propoi-tionately.] <br />% OF TOTAL <br />ACTNITY* CONTRACT FEE <br />1. Affirmative Marketing 25% <br />2 Administration of the Pro;ram/Record Keeping 36% <br />3. Financial ManaQement 'g% <br />4. Administrative Environmental 01 % <br />TOT.AL: 100% <br />°'o OF <br />BILLING MILESTQivES*'" CONTRACT FEE <br />1, 2°d home loan completed and reimbursed by TDHCA 10% <br />2. 5`I' home loan completed and reimbursed Uy TDHCA 1 5% <br />3. 10"' home loaiz completed aiid reimbursed by TDHCA 25% : <br />4. 15"' home loan completed and reimbursed by TDHCA 25% <br />5. 19`'home loan completed and reimbursed by TDHCA 20% <br />6. 20°i (or last) home completed and reimbursed by TDHCA 5% <br />°aT* <br />TOTAL: 20 home loans comoleted 100 _ <br />*these cateQories reflect work activity for managing the homebuyer program in general. <br />Activities and work associated with individual loans and projects will be billed to each loan <br />closing as project related soft costs. Such activities would include suc11 items as: document <br />preparation, individual property file reviews, eilviromllental checklist preparation, and <br />document deliverv_ <br />**If the total contract is not completed the total administrative fees charged to the City aild <br />subsequently to TDIICA for reinlbtusement under the Administrative fee portion of the <br />contract with the City will be i11 an amount that is the sanie percentage as the total nuinber of <br />loans completed (as per the HLTD rules). <br />Further, the City understands and a,-,rees that Paris Living may, upoi1 u-ritten approval <br />from the City Mazla;er of the City of Paris, subcontract poi Lions oi the administration of the <br />Proaram to other entities, with the understandinL tha± Paris Livina has the ultiniate <br />rarn. <br />responsibility and liability to the City for the administration of the ProL <br />6. Par,s Living, and the Ci?}- agree that the pe.-iod of this Agreement will be for a minimum <br />of tluce vears from the agreei7lent si7ning date or to coincide with tlle length and teizli of the <br />ever period is lon~er. <br />whicll <br />Citv's contract with TDHCA incltidina any extensions to thereof. <br />