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Americaii Recl Crass, Lamar Coiinty Ctiapter <br />Notes to tlte Casli Basis Fiuaiicial Stateineiits <br />Fo►• t1ie Year C►icled Julie 30, 2009 <br />NOTE 1- SL1MMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES <br />Basis of AccouiitiU <br />The accompanying financial statements have been prepaced on the cash basis of <br />accounting, which is a comprehensive basis of accotmting other than geiieraily accepted <br />accounting principles. Consequently, contcibutions and ottiec revenLies are i•ecognized <br />when received cather than when promised or earned, and ceitain expenses and purchases <br />of assets are cecognized when cash is disbursed rather than wlien the obligation is <br />inciu•red. The only asset recognized is cash, and no Iiabilities are recognized. Noncash <br />tcansactions are not recogtiized in the fiiiancial statement. <br />Income Taxes <br />Tlie organization itself is Eiot a taxpaying eiltiry for purposes of federal and state income <br />taxes. Instead, its financial activity is ceported as parf of tfie American Red Cross federa( <br />reporting as a non-profit organization exempt fi•om federal income tax undec Sectia} <br />50 t(c)(3). <br />Land Buildings and Equi mp ent (Fixed Assets) <br />Asset acquisitions 1iave been expensed when purchased as a non-operatirig expeiase and <br />are recorded oti the ftiancial statements, However, for fixed assets, sucli as land, <br />bttildings, veliicles, office and equiprnent, records are maintained and depreciated (except <br />for fand) by the ciiapte►• in accordance with procedtii•es and policies of American Red <br />Cross. The American Red Cross requires ttie calctilation of depreciation an fixed tallgible <br />assets with a utiit cost or donated value of $2,500 or moce attd an estiinated usefial life of <br />ttu•ee or more years. Records ace retained by the chapter for all fiilly depreciated fixed <br />assets unti( they ace no longer in ase aiid 4iave been satvaged or sold. [t is the chapter's <br />poticy to depreciate its equipment at Lives ►•anging fi•om three to ten years, <br />Financial Statement Presentation <br />Non-pcofit organizations report iiet assets according to Tliree classes of net assets: <br />unrestricted net assets, temporarify restricted net assets, and pecmanently restricted uet <br />assets. Therefoc•e, the net assets of the chapter and chaiiges tlierein ace ciassified and <br />repo►led as follows: <br />Unre,sh•rcted Net Assets ace net assets that ace not subject to donor-iinposed stipulations. <br />