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Detailed descriptions of project (iaclading description of need, scope of work, methodology, who benefits, <br />number of beneficiaries, other project p$rtners, etc.): SAFE T was founded 'ua Titus Countv in 1995 to assist <br />victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The first shelter, o ened in Au st 1996 with fundin from Texas <br />Health and Human Services Commissio and later funds from the Office of the Attorne General for a SexuaI Assault <br />Program Svnce that time SAFE T staff and bgdget has aovvn from 2 volwnteers to over 24 em~lovees with a startin~ <br />budget of $21 000 to over $850 000/vear In the vast 15 vears manv thino have been accomplyshed mcludtng. <br />renov ' a da care center into a shelter, o nin Thrift stores 3 and buildun a 7,200 sgggm foot Admuustration <br />/Education Non-residential services center in 2005. The shelter aad Mt. Pleasant Thrift store are debt free and owned <br />b SAFE-T. The Admin off'ice has a rema~n~n balance of 190 000 which is reduced from rofit made from the ML <br />Pleasant Thrift Store Ememncv reserve funds remain at $100,000. <br />A roximatel thrme ears a o a au of citizens from Lamar Coun visited the SAFE-T Board and Sta.ff in Mt. <br />Pleasant in order to ask for assistance in rovidin services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in <br />Lamar Coun . The result of the two hour discussion resulted in the o enua of an office in Paris with volunteer <br />assi ce. This u of service roviders and concerned citizens included: Child Protective Service CASA business <br />members victims of abuse and the District Attorne 's office. At this time Famil Haven was ravin minimal <br />services to victtms, but out of Mect for this agency SAFE T did not advertise and remained in the bac ound <br />acce[r~wg referrals from the service aQencies fihat brou~ht it to Paris The uitention onganallv was to provxde limited. <br />assistance to victims on a tem basis limitin the costs of services. As the referrals tncreased SAFE-T ree.iized <br />the need for a more vermanent offce that could provide lon~er hours of service. The dilemma was funding as Federal <br />and State funds had bean reduced for ail shelters maldn it more difficult to maintam cuneat ro ams. In s rte of the <br />cut backs SAFE-T mauntauned ro and actuall increased outreach services. In November 2008 a ThriitStore <br />vvas a ned in Paris which included two offi one which was used far rovidin elient services and the other as an <br />office for the ore. Wh~ the store moved to another location the office ain moved and is currenfl located witivn <br />the Pans Housing Authori.t~+ comlex at 615 Ninth SW Counseling is nrovided weeklv to anproximatelv 45 clients by <br />t e enses but also assist <br />gran <br />Dr_ Cla.ire Haslam. SAFE-T Thrift Stores not anl mvide an income to assast wrth non- <br />clients wha are in need of clothing and furnish~s for housiny, which are accessed bv voucher. <br />Victims of domestic viotence are still not aware tbat there is an enc available for assistance. SAFE-T rovides <br />shelter to victims fi'um Lamar Coun b trans ortation to Mt Pleasant. This ma not be the best scenario for each <br />clien but i# is the best that we can offer at the resent time. We a the cost of a motel for thase clients that we canaot <br />trans" that ni& We must educate the community regarding ihe services that are in place nght now. We are in need <br />of funds to helppav for an Outreach Advocate tt►af would be hired from the Pans area ta develop a plan to adverhse <br />these services throuuh media, PSA (Public Service Announcements) uresentations to civic and church P-roups. and <br />oMan,]zing vrograms such as aireadv in place in Mt Pleasant For eMple: Anger Manas~ement Pro~rams for men <br />wamen and teens houassistance nrograms and legal advocacv. <br />SAFE T was awarded a larme housin$ ~rant last September for two vears of $538 000 which navs housing assistance <br />costs of de osits ren and utilities for families. We have two staff hired under thas ant that rovides these servtces <br />and we have been seein over 25 families each month who are iu the housin progmm an addilional 40 who are <br />receiy' other services. We also were awarded a Crisis Re onse Team grant that allows us to o to a victim's hottse <br />when taw enforcement have been called for a domestic violence eall. We pravide advocacy on site. <br />These fands from the C~y of Paris would be used wiseiv for nart of a salarv for the Advocate proaxam supalies <br />(onnted materials files etc and mileage (aD 40/mile to travel to Mt. Pleasant to transport chents to shelter, and bruz~z <br />them back to Paris for court apuearances and other needed In 2009 SAFE-T urovided services to anuroximately 73 <br />cfients from Lamar Coun . We estimate that in 2010 that number v►nll mcrease to over 600!. We currentl have two <br />Paris residents in the shelter which can hold 30 le. There are suc bedrooms vvith bunk beds in each room. We can <br />add cribs or allets for children when needed. Last ear we added one bedroom to accammodate the number of <br />
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