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Supervisor <br />The current supervisor would continue to manage the Traffic and Sanitation divisions and lighting <br />operation. Each remaining service area will need to be closely managed by the supervisor in order to <br />assure safe and efficient operations, as well as provide effective administrative service. In the past, the <br />residential collection operation has been very effective which has permitted the supervisor to use the <br />majority of his time directing the other operations. The operational change will permit the supervisor to <br />work even closer with the remaining services in an effort to improve the overall performance of the two <br />divisions. <br />General Compost Site Operation <br />This operation is currently performed by one (1) Hiring Partner employee, to allow a trained budgeted <br />employee to operate the second sweeper. However, any type of grinding procedures requires a <br />minimum of four (4) employees for the safety of the employee and the public. The grinding operations <br />vary from month to month, considering volume and weather conditions. When this process is done it is <br />necessary to do it either on an overtime basis or by using personnel from other work areas which tend <br />to reduce the effectiveness of their individual service areas. One (1) employee can sustain the operation <br />securely by performing the minimum of duties with a small range of operations. A Saturday rotation of <br />employees is scheduled every month for non collectors. All operations and procedures are as follows: <br />• Processing raw stock limbs into Type B mulch <br />• Processing Type B mulch into Type A mulch <br />• Mulch Aeration and Hydration Process, Type A and B <br />• Residential check-in of brush and limbs <br />• Residential mulch load outs, Type A and B <br />• Monitoring of loads <br />• Site maintenance, litter control, mowing, weed eating, pad repairs, shop clean up. <br />• Equipment maintenance for loaders, horizontal processor, tractors, mowers, trucks and vehicles <br />• Data collection of operations- residential waivers, tires, computer monitors, mulch, water <br />consumption and inspections. <br />• Temperature and data collection of static mulch piles. <br />Residential and State Right of Way Sweeping <br />This operation for residential sweeping is performed with one (1) authorized M-4 position as previously <br />discussed. A second sweeper is currently operated by one (1) department employee that is actually <br />authorized for the compost site in order to provide the service needed to maintain the desired service <br />level. The sweeper operators are trained in a two day program along with follow-up training sessions <br />due to updates of equipment parts and procedures. Both operators perform duties in one of the four <br />sections of Paris. Each "Section" is broken into zones. (Example- N.W. Paris , Zone A, N.E. Paris, Zone D <br />and so forth). Operation schedule hours are generally performed from 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. After hours <br />rotation schedule are perFormed by two operators and one standby employee each week. Friday <br />morning operations start at 6:00 a.m. to work ahead of the traffic intake at the Plaza. Once per month <br />operators perform a manual curb and debris removal for the deep inset curbs. Each operator performs <br />134 <br />