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EXffiBIT" A" <br />SPECIAL WASTE <br />Special Waste means any discarded material from a nonresidential source meeting any of the <br />following descriptions for Type A or Type B Special Waste. <br />Tvpe A Special Waste. Any waste from a commercial or industrial activity meeting any of the <br />following descriptions. <br />1. Containerized waste (e.g., a drum, portable tank, lugger box, roll-off box, pail, bulk tanker, <br />etc.) listed in (b) through (h) below. <br />2. Waste from a pollution control process (e.g., baghouse dust, treatment plant sludge, filter <br />cake, sedimentation pond cleanout, etc.). <br />3. Waste containing free liquids (free liquid wastes are those wastes which fail the paint filter <br />test prescribed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Method 9095). <br />4. Residue and debris from the cleanup of a spill or a chemical substance or commercial <br />product or a waste listed in (a) through (c) above or (e) through (h) below. This definition <br />applies to spills of any size. <br />5. Contaminated residuals from the cleanup of a facility generating, storing, treating, <br />recycling, or disposing chemical substances, commercial products, or waste listed in (a) <br />through (d) above or (0 through (h) below. <br />6. Any waste which is nonhazardous as a result of treatment pursuant to RCRA Subtitle C. <br />7. Sludge waste. <br />8. Waste from an industrial process. <br />Type B Sqecial Waste. Any waste from a commercial or industrial activity meeting any of the <br />descriptions which follow. <br />1. Friable asbestos from building demolition or cleaning: wall board, wall or ceiling spray <br />coverings, pipe insulation, etc. Nonfriable asbestos (e.g., asbestos containing floor tiles, <br />brake pads, roofing products, etc.) is a Special Waste if it has been processed, handled, or <br />used in such a way that asbestos fibers may be freely released. Asbestos bearing industrial <br />process waste is a Type A Special Waste. <br />2. Commercial products or chemicals which are off-specification, outdated, unused, or <br />banned. Outdated or off-specification, uncontaminated food or beverage products in <br />original consumer containers are not included in this category; however, containers which <br />once held commercial products or chemicals are included if the container is empty. A <br />container is empty when all wastes have been removed that can be removed using the <br />A-1 <br />