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Paris, Texas, by amending Section 5-2 to designate the Trai] De Paris as a designated <br />public place where the walking of dogs on leashes is permitted. <br />22. Deliberate and act on a Resolution authorizing a grant application through the Governor's <br />Criminal Justice Division for 5,000 for a software interface; and authorizing the City <br />Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary documents. <br />23. Deliberate and act on a Resolution authorizing a grant application through the Governor's <br />Criminal Justice Division for $50,000 for two patrol cars; and authorizing the City <br />Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary documents. <br />24. Deliberate and act on a Resolution accepting the bid and approving a professiona] <br />services agreement with Hayter Engineering, Inc. for engineering services related to the <br />Texas Capital Fund Main Street Sidewalk Grant; and authorizing the City Manager to <br />negotiate and execute all necessary documents. <br />25. Deliberate and act on a Resolution accepting the bid and approving a professional <br />services agreement with Municipal Development Services for administrative services <br />related to the Texas Capital Fund Main Street Sidewalk Grant; and authorizing the City <br />Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary documents. <br />26. Deliberate on the hiring of a professional consultant to advise and coordinate the City's <br />efforts in hiring a new city manager. <br />27. Deliberate on the policy regarding weather days and employee compensation. <br />28. Deliberate, possibly act on the selection of a long-term landfill provider, and direct staff <br />to draft appropriate documents. <br />29. Deliberate and possibly act on the request from Richard Drake Conshuction Company <br />and North Lamar Independent School District to approve the delay of the Stillhouse Road <br />Widening Project. <br />30. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />31. Adjournment. <br />Certification <br />I certify that the above notice of ineeting was posted on the bulletin board in the City Ha11 .Annex, 150 First <br />St. SE, Paris, Texas, no later than 5:30 p.m. on February 11, 2011. <br />~ <br />nice Ellis, City erk <br />Special Accommodations <br />This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for special <br />accommodations or interpretive services must be made forty-eight (48) hours prior to this meeting. Please <br />contact Janice Ellis at (903) 784-9248 or (903) 784-9291 for assistance. <br />