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CITY OF PAR1S <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNISHING <br />CRS-2 EMULSION ASPHALT <br />Reauirements: <br />It is estimated that 75,000 gallons of CRS-2 Emulsion Asphalt will be required in the operation <br />of the Street Division of Public Works during the period of April 1, 2011 through March 31, <br />2012. <br />Exact quantities cannot be determined, but estimates are given as shown above. Quantities may <br />be increased or decreased to meet the requirement of the operations of the Street Division of <br />Public Works during the period shown above. A minimum is not guaranteed. <br />Specifications: <br />CRS-2 Emulsion Asphalt must conform to Item 300, 2004 edition of "Texas Department of <br />Transportation Standard Specifications for Gonstruction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets <br />and Bridges" or later addition. Minimum temperature at delivery shall be 150 degrees F. <br />All materials must come from a source on the approved list of asphalt refineries by TXDOT as of <br />bid opening date. Throughout the term of the purchase order, product sample may be randomly <br />taken by City employees and tested at an independent laboratory selected by the City. Failure of <br />praduct to meet TXDOT specifications will be reason for termination of purchase order and/or <br />removal from the City of Paris Bid List. <br />Deliverv• <br />Delivery to be made to the Public Works Service Center, 50 W. Hickory, Paris, Texas, or ather <br />site within the city limits of the city of Paris. <br />Deliveries are to be made in tank truck loads not to exceed 6,500 gallons. <br />Routine deliveries must be made within the hours of 8:00 AM. To 4:00 P.M., Monday through <br />Friday. Special deliveries as stipulated by the Street Division of Public Works must be made at <br />times designated in order to meet work requirements. <br />Delivery shall be made within 24 hours after order is placed by telephone. Delivery she be made <br />at specified times of day, with the time to be stated when order is placed, usually this will be <br />7:00 A.M. <br />9 <br />