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redistrict every ten years, the remaining cost of our program will be billed in two installments to <br />be paid in the 2011 and 2012 budgets as provided in the contract. <br />Optionally, we would consider an hourly rate contract, with all time billed at a rate of <br />$250.00 per hour, plus all out of pocket expenses. Hourly rate contracts require a$5,000.00 <br />initial retainer. This proposal will cover the same services, but might, under the proper <br />circumstances provide some savings. By the same token, if there are complications, the hourly <br />rate plan might actually incur more expense than the fixed fee agreement. If you would prefer <br />the hourly rate contract, please let us know. <br />As attested from our past projects, we have the experience and expertise to successfully <br />assist cities in this difficult and complex process. We appreciate your interest in our firm and we <br />would be pleased to have the opportunity to assist in this project. <br />Sincerely, Sincerelv, <br />v - - <br />James P. Allison Robert T. Bass <br />RTB/slc <br />Enclosure: Contract for Professional Services <br />1_g4 <br />