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We estimate that the total fee will be in the $25,000 range unless unexpected problems arise. If the City <br />prefers, a flat fee arrangement can be negotiated. Expenses are unlikely to exceed $1,500 to $2,000. <br />Pre-clearance under the Voting Rights Act is traditionally secured through the administrative process of <br />submission to the Attorney General; however, judicial pre-clearance in the courts of the District of <br />Columbia is available as an alternative. <br />I have included a retainer statement for the City's use if the decision is made to retain our services. <br />Let us know if you have any questions. <br />Cordially, <br />/S/ Michael D. Morrison, Partner <br />Attachments: <br />Retainer statement <br />Draft redistricting timeline <br />Firm and Partner resumes <br />186 <br />