-Member, United States District Court for the Western District, Waco Division, Standing Committee on
<br />Alternative Dispute Resolution, 1994- , Chair 1994-98.
<br />-Redistricting, 19 County Government and You, l, 2000, published by The Institute of County Government
<br />at Texas A&M--Texas Agricultural Extension Service, with Guinn.
<br />-Malapportionment, TRed Alert, Vol. l, No. 2, at 11, January 1991.
<br />-Redistricting..., 67 Texas County Progress Journal 16, August 1990.
<br />-Drafted Revised City of Waco, Texas Charter, 1986-87, with McSwain.
<br />-Legislative Changes Affecting Redistricting, 56 Texas County Progress Journal, 13, July 1981, with Guinn.
<br />-Reapportionment...A Conundrum, 57 Texas County Progress Journal, 9, July 1980, with Guinn.
<br />-Presentation to newly elected local government officials on the Fundamentals of City Council Service,
<br />Heart of Texas Council of Governments Elected Officials Workshop, August 11, 2008.
<br />-Current Developments in Immigration and Homeland Security, Baylor Institute for Learning, October,
<br />2006.
<br />-Fundamentals of City Council Service, Heart of Texas Council of Governments Elected Officials
<br />Workshop, August 11, 2006.
<br />-Citizenship by Ascription and Naturalization, Baylor Institute for Learning, February 6, 2006.
<br />-Dual Citizenship, De-Naturalization and Expatriation, Baylor Institute for Learning, February 13, 2006.
<br />-Employment Based and Family Sponsored Immigration and Nonimmigrant Admission, Baylor Institute for
<br />Learning, February 20, 2006.
<br />-Developing a City Council Team, Heart of Texas Council of Governments Elected Officials Workshop,
<br />Waco, August 11, 2005.
<br />-Speaker, The City Council: Policy Development and Procedures, Heart of Texas Council of Governments
<br />Elected Officials Workshop, Waco, June 6, 2002.
<br />-Speaker, Redistricting, Opening General Session of the 43d Annual County Judges and Commissioners -
<br />Continuing Education Conference and Educational Exposition, College Station, Texas, February 7,
<br />2001.
<br />-Speaker, United States Census 2000 and Redistricting, 42°d Annual County Judges and Commissioners
<br />Continuing Education Conference and Educational Exposition, College Station, Texas, February 9,
<br />2000.
<br />-Speaker, Preparing for the 2000 Census, Texas Municipal League Annual Meeting, 1999.
<br />-Presentation on Preparing for Year 2000 Census, 41S` Annual County Judges and Commissioners'
<br />Continuing Education Conference, College Station, Texas, February 25, 1998.
<br />-Lobbying and Ethics in the 90's, State Bar of Texas M.C.L.E. Program, Austin, Texas, November 29-30,
<br />1990. -
<br />-Judicial Redistricting, Texas Appellate Courts' Chief Justices' Meeting, January 25, 1990, with Guinn.
<br />-Federal Redistricting Requirements For Counties, 32d Annual County Judges and Commissioners'
<br />Conference, Texas A&M University, January 25, 1990, with Guinn.
<br />-Redistricting--The Constitutional and Statutory Obligations, County Judges' and Commissioners'
<br />Association of Texas 1989 Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, October 16, 1989.
<br />-Legal Issues Concerning Emergency Medical Services, McLennan Community College, Paramedics'
<br />-Fairness: How Does Government Achieve It?, Temple Rodef Sholom, January 18, 1987.
<br />-The Legal Requirements Faced by Texas County Government Under the Voting Rights Act, State of Texas
<br />County Judges Association Annual Meeting, Address on October, 1980.
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