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proposals and notices to satisfy all statutory and constitutional requirements, and <br />will be compensated as provided in Section 2B below. <br />6. Consult with the designated authority (either the governing body of the <br />contracting governmental entity, or any authorized citizens advisory committee) <br />as needed by mail, telephone, email or facsimile and no fewer than THREE <br />PHYSICAL APPEARANCES within the jurisdiction being reapportioned. These <br />appearances will include a preliminary workshop with the executive board of the <br />contracting governmental entity, and not less than two (2) meetings with the <br />designated authority. <br />7. Attend and participate in one or two PUBLIC HEARINGS on proposed <br />redistricting plans. The Public Hearings will be conducted after the designated <br />authority has made a recommendation to the contracting governmental entity, and <br />may be conducted on the same date in two different locations within the <br />jurisdiction being reapportioned. <br />8. After approval by the executive board of the contracting governmental <br />subdivision, prepare and file all necessary maps and other documentation to <br />complete submission to the U. S. Department of Justice for Preclearance under the <br />Voting Rights Act <br />9. Upon receipt of Preclearance from the Department of Justice, prepare and file all <br />necessary notice, maps and documentation with the appropriate Texas officials in <br />conformity with State law. <br />10. In the event litigation is required, Allison, Bass & Associates, L.L.P. will provide <br />such additional legal services and/or support as the parties may contract under <br />separate agreement. <br />B. The contracting governmental entity agrees to provide access to all necessary records and <br />personnel for this project and to fully cooperate with the Attorneys in this project. <br />Section 2: COMPENSATION <br />The contracting governmental entity agrees to compensate Allison, Bass & Associates, <br />LLP for its services as follows: <br />A. Initial Assessment: <br />Fee for preparing an Initial Assessment of existing political boundaries, including the <br />costs of obtaining suitable 2010 Census Data, is $1,500.00. The Initial Assessment fee is due <br />June 30, 2010. <br />Should the Initial Assessment indicate that the existing political boundaries for the <br />contracting governmental entity do not require redistricting under state and federal law, and that <br />FLAT RATE/FIXED FEE CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />Page12 <br />173 <br />