<br />
<br />
<br /> Lot 1, block 30
<br /> r) Clement Road A ta
<br /> SUtueted within the Limit. of 1y of Pon., County Lama, and State of Temp. o part of the Rocklin Russell Srw 856, and
<br /> being lob 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, S, 6, , 7. 7, S. 9. , and d f0, block 30. Clements Fokv.w Addition, worded in Envlp. 7-A in the Plat R. y ords or Said o.n in
<br /> ® r5 89'3948 W-r-250.04, County and State, and including the North one-half of Omby St (to be closed) and on Alley (to be closed) in mid block 30, a. •h
<br /> the Plat of
<br /> B $ Id Addition.
<br /> Beginning at a 318' mike nal far cwnr at the Northeast coma of coif lot 6 in old block 30.
<br /> Ian 7 hit a ,p p Thence South 8970'40' West along the South Boundary Line of Clement Road a distance of 250.04 feet to a 3/5' pike nol (e) for
<br /> coma at the Northeast coma of lot 10 in mid black 30;
<br /> Then.. South Or"25' West along the East Boundary Line of 2n4 N.E. a distance of 325M feet to a 3/8' pike -1 (s) far comer In
<br /> vcS 1o aE the center of sold Omby St;
<br /> Thence Nrth 6975'1e' Eet Wong N• center of Bald Omby SL o distance of 250.04 feet to a 3/5' pike nal (e) for comer;
<br /> lot 1 Thrace North 0'4425 East along the West Boundary Lin. or 3rd N.E. o distance of 32&06 feet to the pace of beginning and
<br /> Block 30 containing 81,264.3 square feet of land, or 1.8556 or" of land;
<br /> 61254.3 3F w Lot 1, Mock 25
<br /> rot 4 .t ! M n I.eee AC HO Wt 2 Situated .Rhin the Limit. Of the City of Prix County of Lamar, and State of Tmos, a part of the Reddin Russell Survey 1786, and
<br /> being lob 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, B. 9, and 10, block 25. Clements Fairview Addition, worded In Envelops, 7-A in the Plot Records of cold
<br /> Y County and State, and Including the South one-half of Omby St. (to be dosed) and m Nlq (to be Nosed) In wW Mock 25, w •hom In
<br /> ® W 1 8 b g li sold Addition.
<br /> ZiR ;AW Beginning at o 318- pike nol (s) far caner at the Southeast comer of lot 5 in aid Mock 25.
<br /> Ownby LN 39.39'49- EJL- .04'J Z Ave. Thenc. North 044'25' East long the West Boundary Line of 3rd N.E. o distance of 325.06 feet to a 11' copped (NELSON SURVE)ING)
<br /> (M Dyer) v FS sB'39 4 W 250.04 ~1 (wl aPn) Iron psi (e) far oomr in the center Of O-by St.;
<br /> ® rC 8 a I Th ence South 8979'49' West along the mtr of Omby St. a distance of 250.04 feet to a 3/8' pike nal (s) far mm-. the } ® the Then. S South 74425 coma et lot WI In est.ld block ZEast Boundary Line of Znd N.E. a detente of 32&05 feet to a 3/8' pike nol for comer at
<br /> B Then ce North 8978'49' East long the North Boundary Line of Oak SL a distance of 250.07 fwt to the place of beginning and
<br /> aantoining 51,264.3 eguore bet of and. or 1.8655 gorse of land;
<br /> M 7 .t e t lW la lW e
<br /> L{6 26
<br /> ..,at 1 ,p k J.N. Nlson. Registered Profmbnd Land Survsyw of Tmm, /4025, cwt fy tO Bubbo Croton, that the draw dpleted and described
<br /> $ F Block 25 Vacl.t of land sere taken from an octud survey mode on the ground and completed under my supervis.n an the 12th day of April. 2011.
<br /> that the Plat. the Field Notes, and the L.gend/Generd Note% we to be one document and are to be waded as en., that there doesn't
<br /> Is 61264.3 V appear to be any 14.64 improvements, mee ants or encroachments Other than those horn thereon, and that this tract of land doe not
<br /> O teem Aa. OPP- to IN In a flood Som as Indicated by Community Panl 460427
<br /> 0001 B and 0002 B of the Federal insurance Rate Mops. COPY
<br /> ® LN 89'30'49' E-~-250.04' J.M. I•MPYN~7r G\,/ 1 ICM
<br /> oak Ave.
<br /> bl 7 bl 6 -,a Ist 0 M e -71- Isl ,0 M il Awed CVL~ ArMI
<br /> PF~PLAT F41r s 'U.Ar
<br /> Original Lot Configuration. Black. 25 R 30 Lob i - A Bbd( '27
<br /> Lois 1Bbd; '30'
<br /> too 50 0 too kdo
<br /> Clement Road 20D
<br /> 7 . ,p , . ®e 1' -100' Lot 1, Block '25' Lot 1, Block '30'
<br /> Clement Fairview Addition Clement Fairview Addition
<br /> YcpEln MAP
<br /> 812843 9F
<br /> 4 !i 1 2 3 4! , 1 aces z0" C011YI1CrCW 812643 8F
<br /> a..r » w awe Aw O NNd Frt1M AdMM ft 74 L:"
<br /> ~ 9 NN' -
<br /> 7 e KO. ■ 7 6 ,o a Y t Re OONfACf=d8bpC1ek
<br /> Cbment F.WW- Addition Env. 7-4 LCPR 166E Gk Ave.
<br /> PWr16, TWIas 76,6D
<br /> Nc PhW W F 9W7W2921
<br /> ! I S 3 ♦ ! ~ a: Aw „flp'
<br /> Oak A-
<br /> FOT vp 1
<br /> /0 0 e ] 6 10 a We .egret test .h 8.6 Are Pod
<br /> as NTS It60N
<br /> 4AN ha M rare nrsdw.
<br /> ..wed nd d4swel
<br /> omeATlaN gL,,,~ b kw ark, sets rase
<br /> Y ken M In
<br /> k =07= vk drwlwws W the h.nh dwarkN bwft W 1x14 do S..bY avtRr shot w hew sewed Yl. our,. ft M CAn m 3 . 1 Say nit k F. h
<br /> k r egos .eW, e .rd d. ka.br 4.dwt• fs gw PW. our lbwb, E.-W w Wrsw, Mown, kW ,eew
<br /> IM d. W enr W tlrr ,nW .hW M M ::M_ WU MY .l W. aN 0-t w 4s hw.kr e~ -pt" IM w rind rM.l! W a y My W P. wet rWw
<br /> hwesllw Ise . s.,.d a w tae year aMr..d a the Pet by tll. air Eryawv W M. air a P.A.. Tww wt W WIRY PM
<br /> O es wart r"a w Mee
<br /> I ro't W M
<br /> usy, Cwf '1► ceded Met l .wwlesl
<br /> ..a sun rb• M b
<br /> lp~ t e.nlr Rea e,p • 1101G
<br /> one" V- oft ..led WIM%rd-wll
<br /> Ae.A: 5ubbs Caae d0N 1. 3
<br /> c /4* Of LAtWt w' Irr ew M "a' .IM m eDpgFM 3/4' MN
<br /> Th. lwb t ro _ _ se4d Piew• .M ear N F K 1M
<br /> arb,a'l'dg.d ba.n m. a 1M_br a 5011. by We Pkar• M"td QW:
<br /> Me,
<br /> NWVy ..G Sta. W T.ro daft _ M.O. Mar' J who .w ' Ural w .e .1w 1e10.
<br /> oft. M 24'
<br /> Sal ~.~pcMk W a,. atY wrew fv..h. 'R Orr, Leftode I 2 3. 4. 3. A 7, 4 A.. 10, h bl.a. 2! =I. ~•G'30. ro .ballet ft ew ate Cwna a r'r4 T
<br /> roy en '.-tear a 2011. ad.d ate CaP.A, icy hrlM a.l.w tlis,l set M.. % bollpp1boll and MM rrole4 w Daly valid H X her an ==r
<br /> wrptanw~lMrM AT". advleMadnN a,..Ia.Yr. a Owiby Awe oral tM 0" In and Nola, sal an coarse Nth.r wIM.N tlw 1'adP b w4 ew n.wY Per .Ipwtun dale to N. aw eh cold. Fmee r wny'4aq hY ,sum w h..Yl balsa .ub.vbad y edy SIpIN eeplw aW W maeN io npleee pert... M M u.ee tar IneP.etlon
<br /> or
<br /> . -id the wwwy.to
<br /> 2- 1p11or1sllwesR'w .tar tM use of IM Y dial9w merle W
<br /> twlded a used
<br /> FLOOD ZONES than thew ewtmes °to. &-yor cer06sd tO h al. r any -.n. it . nit in
<br /> re e.PNn.. a 55wnr any .eathe.ee nap...
<br /> R
<br /> ate ask ate a Pr. Tram aloe ued 100 Ter Naoa Zonm es an s and Inserted using Flood Haines Boundary .ave, a noted by the
<br /> Cale ord Path N plot fluld
<br /> e. an the arN Mid miss.
<br /> b. -ty 100 rear Fled Zam. may w waned and insisted, but der may be located by l•wl.nR H
<br /> STATE OF TEXAS .WMI N are ovWage, karln an plod "SrwY madUewanpMand Mid notes.
<br /> 11n pound, uslnp kl/rmptlan from the Community Pmll
<br /> COUMTI' OF LAiIAR Nee of gale i.od in.learno. Rob Maps as
<br /> noted an
<br /> a 5urwye .e.enw no IeblXr for Maas cants by aboomd co duans, idea by man-mode r natural
<br /> TN...bwnt w edm*V.dpd ben raw a wa_ day W . Mi. by Job EA ca. M or Wt of flood Sang
<br /> 4aeBt"1' b nlof it X 'ACe tea ~e% off' a .jl pie ne1b ace. d tM wn}el Vast le m adppkinllrp -ft roblwt.beet be°t"9 pal and MM holy but may not g tine
<br /> & Sam e--t be -0 around and under fences, but w she. a ntwence Rem o nearby pet Or other
<br /> Nava P StSta. a Twe dale th'm onlocal, enbl• object
<br /> 5. Fnlas
<br /> ==011= In. 1. the fence un.es .Mrs.m wl.a
<br /> b. :7
<br /> 7. Check plot. eddn{Pld'~M'in/w,rnt.n er`i e.bstm dHrances b•I.een I
<br /> pond 40d dwerlptbne on
<br /> the d.sb and scald srwy. mode an the
<br /> & BNcn an~ .Wct.n, .1 utility tarpon.. r then agenl., should be contact. tar locat.n Of their
<br /> rwpecth. ut ray ling .Iwthr the utility line . ovemsod a drpaet
<br /> APp.01ED 9. D.lamw Ynosn on
<br /> WW.-.t /asbuN .levy. r. to thur,e neerwt . pure footage to the -t loot
<br /> ate a .an. P vn/p and 2mhp aawn.rm aloe 1 Nelson Surveying Company
<br /> ACCEPTED, WN'~r8i r mar, Tam rV~rgr
<br /> Narer, -Y a P.4. Taro d,l, BIHB6AI bNHiNN C-eBl
<br /> dY Mle.Xk tteW,Yrse7ls.rs.Ilmdtlrwrrd 905
<br /> A' °'e" NerP1oLw a B'ww M r.e.drlee ~ w ds.en.,L ♦ 5-11
<br /> Psps_a_
<br /> 28
<br />