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board has already set aside to assist with this. There is a question on the extent and <br />method of cleaning, and the structural engineer will be consulted. <br />Peristyle - Spann will run conduit through the slab for microphones and power. <br />Weather permitting it will be about 12 more weeks to completion. Movies in the Park <br />will therefore need a backup plan. <br />Committee Reports: <br />Organization - Ashlea not present <br />Design - Gearing back up fram break for winter activities and Main Street Managers <br />Promotions - March 25`h will be the Brown Bag Luncheon. Kari has posters available for <br />distribution. Suzy Harper has some tables available to borrow, and nearby restaurants have <br />been notified. April 23rd is Easter egg decorating at the Farmer's Market. Brookshire's is planning <br />to donate the eggs and First Federal Bank is sponsoring $200. Photographer Tara Swain will be <br />there to photograph kids with bunnies and other spring animals. Committee meetings will be <br />changing to Tuesdays at 6:00pm at Green Boutique, and next up is planning for Movies in the <br />Park, which starts in June. <br />Economic Restructuring - Britin met with Steve Gilbert and Shannon Barrentine with the Paris <br />Economic Development Corporation about downtown being a part of the conversation for the <br />overall economic development of Paris. They were very encouraging and provided info on <br />Chapter 380 and 381, which are possibilities for funding economic development. Britin <br />suggested that the board and others downtown start brainstorming on projects that will <br />promote investment and economic development downtown. That will be the main topic of <br />discussion at the next ER meeting, this Thursday at 6:30 pm at Britin's house. If we can get a list <br />together we can present that as a package and look at the possibility of holding a vote to use 4A <br />dollars for 46 purposes. <br />Historic Preservation Commission -The HPC is working to synthesize the architectural standards <br />with the need to be able to fit businesses in the buildings downtown. Also looking at step up the <br />process on fines for inappropriate signage, etc. <br />Future Agenda Requests: <br />Changes to bylaws - Kari <br />Election of Committee Chairs at May meeting - Cheri <br />Motion to Adjourn made by Dustin and seconded by Kari <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:40pm <br />Minutes prepared by Britin Bostick, Main Street Advisory Board Secretary. <br />Date <br />M Coyle, Chairm <br />22 <br />