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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 27, 2011 <br />Page 9 <br />p.m., but that they were allowed to play until l l:00 p.m. on weekends. Council Member Wright <br />said that he would like to see the call information regarding noise complaints. Chief Hundley <br />said that he would bring the information back to the next Council meeting. <br />20. Deliberate and provide direction to City staff on amending the Code of Ordinances to <br />allow the police department to ticket, tow, and impound any vehicle that is not cavered <br />under automobile liability insurance. <br />Chief Hundley said that City Staff was seeking direction on amendments to the Code of <br />Ordinances to allow the Police Deparhnent to ticket, tow, and impound any vehicle that is not <br />covered under automobile liability insurance. Chief Hundley said steps to verify coverage <br />included, but were not limited to contacting the driver's insurance company; contacting the <br />driver's insurance agent; contacting a parent if dealing with a minor; contacting the lien holder <br />and checking through TexSure database. He also said if the officer had any doubts, he would <br />have the option of not impounding the vehicle. Council Member Frierson said there was a flaw <br />in determining liability insurance, because TexSure database did nat contain companies who <br />carry insurance. Council Member Rogers expressed concern that this ordinance might make it <br />more difficult for low income persons. Council Member Grossnickle said there could be a <br />potential problem with leaving discretion to the officers. Mayor Hashmi suggested that the first <br />time a person was in this situation, that he or she might be given a warning and then towed on a <br />second offense. It was a consensus of the City Council to have Chief Hundley to review, write a <br />policy and bring it back to the City Council. <br />21. Deliberate on travel policy. <br />Mayor Hashmi asked for input from each Council Member. Council Members McCarthy <br />and Rogers both said they would like for the City Manager and City Staff to draft a policy to <br />bring back for Council review. Council Members Wright, Grossnickle and Frierson ask for more <br />time to review the example policies provided to them. Mr. Anderson asked the Council Members <br />to contact him once they had reviewed the examples, in order to allow him time to put a policy <br />together. <br />22. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government <br />Code, Consultation with Attorney, to receive legal advice from the City Attorney about <br />pending or contemplated litigation and/or on matters in which the duty of an attorney to <br />his client under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of <br />Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter, as follows: City of Paris, Texas vs. Housing <br />Associates and Daniel Allgeier, Cause No. 77918, 62°a Judicial District Court, Lamar <br />County, Texas. <br />After a brief recess, Mayor Hashmi convened City Council into Executive Sessian at 7:10 <br />p.m. <br />- 10 <br />