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05-Minutes from the meeting on July 11, 2011
City Council
Agenda Packets
07 July
05-Minutes from the meeting on July 11, 2011
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Regular Council Meeting <br />luly 11, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />Bobbie Kirtley, 1065 N.E. 34`" - she said she was not complaining about the music, but <br />the loudness of the base noise. She said she could feel vibrations from the music, and that the <br />music from Crosswire had awaken her all hours of the morning. <br />Carol Hufnagel, 720 Bunker - she said the music did not always stop at 10:00 p.m. and <br />that there were times that she could feel the vibration. <br />Earl Kirtley, 1065 N.E. 34t" - he said the problem with loud music had been going on for <br />over three years and asked the City Council to put a stop to it. <br />Michael Huggins - he said he was a musician and asked that the City Council consider <br />State Statute when making a decision about this issue. He said that anything under 85db at 200 <br />feet from the source was not a noise disturbance. <br />Dawn Hope, 3315 Ridgeview - she said that she recently testified in the court case. She <br />said she lives behind Buffalo Joe's and that she was a musician. She said that the bands do stop <br />at 10:00 p.m., but that the music does not stop and sometimes goes on late. <br />Terry Hope, 3315 Ridgeview - he is that the music is too loud on some nights and other <br />nights that he did not hear any music. He suggested that a possible solution would be to build <br />angled walls and angled fences toward the houses. <br />Linda Christian, 3305 Ridgeview - she said that she did not have anything against music <br />or business. Mrs. Christian said they had lived in their house for over thirty years and that it had <br />been in the last three to four years that that the music became very loud. She said she wanted to <br />be able to control the music when she was in her home and not have to turn up her television. <br />Mrs. Christian referred City Council to Article V. Noise, Section 21.01 of the Paris Code. Mrs. <br />Christian asked citizens in attendance regarding item # 11 to please stand. <br />Charles Christian, 3305 Ridgeview - he said he was not against music and business, but <br />that he wished they would put up sound proof fences. <br />As Mayor Hashmi was moving to the Consent Agenda, William Conder approached the <br />podium and asked to address the Council. <br />A Motion to reopen the Citizens' forum was made by Council Member Pickle and <br />seconded by Council Member McCarthy. Motion carried, 7 ayes - 0 nays. <br />William Conder, 1870 E. Polk - he said that he sympathized with anyone who had to put <br />up with pounding base. He said there was a car wash in the 1800 block of Clarksville Street and <br />many times there was a sound war at the location. Mr. Conder said he could hear the noise from <br />inside of his house, and that noise citations had declined over a period of time. <br />3 <br />
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