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Shannon Barrentine <br />From: Paris Diversity Task Force [] <br />Sent: June 10, 2011 3:37 PM <br />To: <br />Subject: Task Force Update and Council Address <br />Click to view this email in a browser <br />Diversity Task Force Update <br />Dear Task Force, <br />Attached is the presentation we plan to make at the Paris City Council Meeting on Monday. As you can <br />see, we are supporting the Diversity Initiative proposed by the PEDC and plan to merge the Task Force <br />efforts into this new one. We have so appreciated all of your help and hope you can join us for our last <br />three projects as well as the Initiative. And, we welcome your presence at the City council Meeting on <br />Monday <br />Mary and Marva <br />ADDRESS TO THE PARIS CITY COUNQL <br />"As you know, the Task Force was begun 31/2 years ago as a grassroots organization to address the <br />racial tension in the community. Many of you have participated with our committees and in our events <br />and we have appreciated it. Our projects have been a positive force in Paris. We have given <br />opportunities for people of all races to meet, talk, and work together through our projects - the City <br />Wide Block Party, The Law Enforcement Meet and Greet, Motivational Speakers in the schools, our U- <br />Turn awards, the ministerial swaps between white and black churches, Diversity Dinners, and the very <br />powerful Challenge Day that was brought to three school districts and changed lives. We've met all over <br />town - MLK Church of Christ, St. Paul Baptist, Calvary Methodist, Mt. Zion Methodist, First Christian <br />Church, the Civic Center, and the Fairgrounds. We have received financial support from many <br />individuals, the United Way and from the City of Paris for which we are grateful. <br />But, from the beginning, we knew we needed a plan to address diversity issues. Our projects were good <br />but not enough. We had thought one would come from the U.S. Justice Department. We asked the City, <br />the Chamber of Commerce and the PEDC to provide the needed funds to develop a road map of where <br />we are, where we need to be, and how to get there. Until recently, we made little progress. But thanks <br />to Steve Gilbert and the current board of the PEDC, we hope the Paris Diversity Initiative is going to <br />finally happen and we welcome the help. <br />Our position on the Diversity Initiative is that we will support the group that gets the contract. It is <br />important to have a company that can deliver the services which apparently all three bidding companies <br />can. But what is most important is that this community embrace the initiative, participate, be willing to <br />hear and to act, and that we recognize we're being held back by our inability to adequately address <br />racial concerns. Support must come from all races, from the rich and poor, businesses and schools. If <br />that kind of participation happens, we will, at last, acquire tools to deal with the future and improve our <br />reputation. <br />- - 4'7 <br />, <br />