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09-Paris Economic Development Corporation's Quarterly Report
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07 July
09-Paris Economic Development Corporation's Quarterly Report
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. <br />= <br /> <br />J <br />~ . <br />To reach a much broader audience; 3'EDC has significantly ramped up its presence on the Web. <br />Our new website,; was launched in the Fall and has become a critical <br />tool for promoting available properiies, posting up-to-the minute PEDC news; and providing a <br />vast amount of community data to site selectors and the public. PEDC also communicates via <br />the social media outlets of Facebook (NAwxN,; Twitter <br />(~~, and YouTube ( Be sure to <br />"friend" or "follow" us so you can stay in the loop on all that is going on in economic <br />development in Paris and Lamar County. <br />Business Retention & Expansion <br />Businesses understand it is easier to keep a customer than find a new one. PEDC's goal for <br />business retention and expansion is building arid strengthening relationships with our existing <br />industries. We want to keep existing jobs and help companies grow in Paris. There are several <br />activities that PEDC incorporates into its relationship-building efforts. First, PEDC supports and <br />sponsors monthly Industrial Managers meeting,s with active participation by both board members <br />and staff. Through these regular meetings, PEDC learns of new opportunities or challenges <br />facing our loca] industries. Industrial Manager meetings allow the leaders of local industry to <br />hear from each other what changes have taken place in their organization in recent months and <br />what changes or opporiunities may be on the horizon. By keeping abreast of factors impacting <br />each other, existing industries are able to share knowledge, information and insight, and PEDC is <br />able to offer support and advocacy to ensure the continued success of these businesses. <br />Another important tool for relationship building is one-on-one meetings with the owners and <br />managers of existing businesses. PEDC regularly makes on-site visits to companies where the <br />PEDC staff is able to provide detailed information about services and resources we can offer, as <br />well as provide information on political and legislative matters that may have an impact on the <br />business. More importantly, PEDC listens to local companies to understand their needs, <br />requirements and expectations. The informatian shared in these meetings is held in confidence. <br />We encourage our business contacts to candidly express any problems, issues, jconcerns or needs <br />for which PEDC may be able to offer assistance. By maintaining frequent contact with our <br />industries, PEDC is often able to learn of needs and concerns early on and offer support that can <br />help to not only retain the business in the community, but also to help it grow. <br />Lastly, PEDC develops and nurtures relationships with existing businesses by sponsoring an <br />industry appreciation week each year. This week allows PEDC staff and board members to meet <br />not only leaders but also employees of some of our existing industry. We provide a light <br />breakfast to a different business each day of the week. The week culminates with a celebration <br />in appreciation of our business and industry where guests are able to have fun while networking <br />among each other, and PEDC board, staff; community leaders and elected officials. Building <br />and maintaining relationships and regular comrnunication helps everybody stay on the same <br />page. <br />Red River Region Business Incubator (R3bi) & Support for Entrepreneurs <br />Your business incubator - R3bi - is now a reality. We have four applicants for the incubator and <br />two are already in residence at a temporary office. Pending completion of the finish out of the <br />" 36 <br />
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