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Sec. 13-15. Permit Procedures <br />(1) Application for a Floodplain Development Permit shall be presented to the <br />Floodplain Administrator on forms furnished by him/her and may include, but not be <br />limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the location, dimensions, and <br />elevation of proposed landscape alterations, existing and proposed structures, including <br />the placement of manufactured homes, and the location of the foregoing in relation to areas <br />of special flood hazard. Additionally, the following information is required: <br />(a) Elevation (in relation to mean sea level), of the lowest floor (including basement) <br />of all new and substantially improved structures; <br />(b) Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential structure shall <br />be f1ood-proofed; <br />(c) A certificate from a registered professional engineer or architect that the <br />nonresidential flood-proofed structure shall meet the flood-proofing criteria of Article <br />5, Section B (2); <br />(d) Description of the extent to which any watercourse or natural drainage will be <br />altered or relocated as a result of proposed development; <br />(e) Maintain a record of all such information in accordance with Article 4, Section <br />(B) (1); <br />(2) Approval or denial of a Floodplain Development Permit by the Flooplain <br />Administrator shall be based on all of the provisions of this ordinance and the following <br />relevant factors: <br />(a) The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; <br />(b) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the <br />effect of such damage on the individual owner; <br />(c) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; <br />(d) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; <br />(e) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency <br />vehicles; <br />(o The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions <br />including maintenance and repair of streets and bridges, and public utilities and <br />facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems; <br />12 <br />