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P7Z O CL'lq .~l1.A I~IOX' <br />.91ER~'.45; tlie zoll Paris .3IajoYS .AllStars 7von tAe Dixie ?yorfd-Series <br />Cliampionsli~ 6ringing tl~iis titl to 7'aris, ~xas foY tl~ie first time 6y ~feating <br />.r'1drtli CFiarl ston, S. C in tAe CFiampionsli~tG'ame in OzaYk; .Ala6ama,• an~,f <br />70l~'R~'.~5; tlie Paris .31ajoYS .AllStars 6egan tlieir treC to tlie Dixie '~Vorld` <br />Series 6y de:feating Ark-ansas in a d-ou6l -elmination tournament. 7"2iey ivent <br />on to ~featlouisiana and-.~'ortl2 CliaYlston, S.C. teams mark-ing tAe fiYSt ever <br />Dixie Base6aff LUorI~SeYies CFiampionsli~pfoY any 7'aYis team, and tlie fiYSt <br />~exas team to -jvin Me event since lufk~in in 1993; ant,,f <br />7V-7MR~'.~5; t!-e cliam,pions!-i~ teayn consists of Clievis -~vYingeY Cliase <br />.~larvey, T"y .ffuie, J`anneY Bak~Y 1'aytner Xennedy, Col6y Rose, 1Zyan ?vliite, <br />Canyon Conl y, Col on Coe, BlaAe Dickey, , josli I'sc6i, Jeff Xing, 1Zil y Cl~pman, <br />l'odf,Tentfl y; an~ <br />301 ~~'7Z2~'.A.5; tFie_pYOUd-C oac!-ies of tlie 7'aYis.Najors .Al TStars teayn aYe JY'ead - <br />Coacli .9Y'eatFi Xennedy and-.Assistant coaclies 7"a6lZose and-joe David- 1~1~!-iite; <br />an~,f <br />7012~'7Z~'.AS; tlie ~portsmansli~p and-success of tAe Paris MajoYS .All-Stars <br />team refl cts ivellzt <br />pon th'e CityfTaYis; and,- <br />yO&W~'.A5; tlie coaclies anaSplayers of tlie PaYis .3IajoYS All"Stars aregood- <br />am6assaa'-oYS of our community, <br />.~I/~OJl; IYfERE,rORZ, I, AJ. Jlasl~im4 M D., Mayoroftie City of7'aris, ~xas, <br />6y viYtue of tie autlioYity vested- in me, and- in /~ionor of t/~ie 1'aYis Majors <br />.All-StaYS, ~fo lieYe6y~rocl~zi~n tAe day sel ctedfoY tlie .9VonoYaYy Fara~, as <br />`Paris Majars.All-Star Dixie JVorfd-Series Cl~iampions Day " <br />in tAe City f 1'aris, and-encourage ouY citizens to join ivitli me in lionoring tAe <br />zoll Paris .31ajors .AllStaYS and-its Coaclies on tliis .~pecialoccasion. <br />IwJVI.VTSS ~V.NlE7ZEO,~; Iliave Fiereunto set my liand`anifcause~ftFie Sealof <br />tAe City f7'aris to 6e affixed-t/~iis 1,24' ay ofS~ptem6er, zoll <br />Iq ~~~'-S'-T, A.J. Yl~asFimz; .rtil.D., .rtilayoY <br />Janice ~lls, City Clerk- <br />.APPROvED .A.S' -WO,FORr~l.• <br />tiV.Xent.3Icllyar City.AttoYney <br />2 <br />