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ORDINANCE NO. 2007-001 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, TEXAS, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 7 OF THE CiTY CHARTER <br />AND SECTION 43.142 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, <br />DISANNEXING 727.75 ACRES OF LAND FORMING A PORTION OF THE <br />CURRENT OUTER BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY LIMTTS OF THE CITY <br />OF PARIS, LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF FM 405 <br />AND FM 1507, 1N RESPONSE TO A PETITION FOR SUCH <br />DISANNEXATION FILED BY 17 PROPERTY OWPIERS INVOLVING 29 <br />TRACTS OF LAND; MAKING A FINDING WITH REGARD TO <br />POTENTIAL REFUNDS OF PROPERTY TAXES TO THE AFORESAID <br />DISANIVEXED LANDOWNERS; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, the City of Paris is in receipt of a petition and applications from seventeen (17) <br />property owners seeking disannexation of their property, which forms a portion of the cucrent outer <br />boundaries of the city limits of the Ciry of Paris; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City Council, having heard the aforesaid petition and the azguments for and <br />against the afaresaid proposed disannexation, desire to grant the petition as requested; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Ciry Council finds and determines it is in the best interest of the health, <br />safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City of Paris to undertake the aforesaid disannexation: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PAR1S, PARIS, <br />TEXAS: <br />Sectian 1. That the fmdings set out in the preamble to this ordinance are hereby in all things <br />approved. <br />Section 2. That the Ciry Council does hereby in all things grant and appmve the petition and <br />applications for disannexation, copies of which aze attached hereto and for all purposes incorporated <br />herein as Exhibit B, filed by the seventeen (17) property owners seeking the disannexation of certain <br />property owned by said property owners, as such properties are described in that exhibit attached <br />hereto and for all purposes incorporated herein as F.xhibit A. <br />Sectioa 3. That by adoption of this ordinance, the City Council does hereby disannex thase <br />tracts of land currently forming a portion of the outer boundaries of the city limits of the City of <br />Paris, said tract of land consisting of 727.75 acres, more or less, forming a portion of the current <br />outermost boundary ofthe City ofParis, as said properties are more specifically described in Exhibit <br />B attached hereto and for all purposes incflrporated herein. <br />