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Section 1. That the findings set out in the preamble to this ordinance are hereby in all things <br />approved. , ! I <br />Section 2. That the following described property, to-wit: <br />Being all that certain tract of land situated in the City of Paris, Lamar County, <br />Texas, a part of the Wesley Askins Survey, Abstract No. 7, a part of the 100.0 acre <br />tract of land conveyed to D. Wayne Brown, et al, by deed recorded in Volume 939, <br />Page 31, Lamar County Real Property Records, and a part of the 121.76 acre tract of <br />land conveyed D. Wayne Brown, et al, by deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 296, <br />Lamar County Real Property Records, and being further described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the existing city limit line of the city of Paris as <br />described in Tract 5 of Ordinance No. 97-059, passed and adopted by the City <br />Council of the City of Paris on December 15,1997, said point being a distance of 500 <br />feet from the centerline of F.M. Highway 195 and being located in the northeast <br />boundary line of the NoRh Hills Road, said road being a parc of the 15.213 acre tract <br />of land described on the Final Plat of The Hills No. 1, filed with the County Clerk of <br />Lamar County on January 18, 2001; <br />THENCE southwesterly along the existing city limit line of the city of Paris <br />as described in said Ordinance No. 97-059 a distance of approximately 60 feet to a <br />point in the southwest boundary line of said North Hills Road; <br />THENCE North 32° 47' 00" West to an iron pin set for corner, said point <br />beina a distance of approximately 580.84 feet from the northwest line of F.M. <br />HiDhway 195; <br />THENCE South 51° OS' 37" West a distance of 828.56 feet to an iron pin <br />found for corner; <br />THENCE South 49° 10' 40" West a distance of 161.16 feet to an iron pin set <br />for corner; <br />THENCE North 56° 53' 12" West a distance of 256.24 feet to an iron pin set <br />for corner; <br />THENCE North 17° 33' 30" East a distance of 241.89 feet to an iron pin set <br />for corner in a curve to the left having a radius of 384.25 feet; <br />THENCE southeasterly with a portion of said curve having a long chord <br />bearinc, South 72° 32' East a distance of 2.36 feet, an arc distance of 2.36 feet to an <br />iron pin set for corner; <br />THENCE North 51° OS' 37" East a distance of 187.25 feet to an iron pin set <br />for corner; <br />THENCE North 56° 48' 15" East a distance of 201.0 feet to an iron pin set for <br />corner; <br />THENCE North 51° OS' 37" East a distance of 516.09 feet to an iron pin set <br />for corner; <br />THENCE North 55° 43' 26" East a distance of 60.02 feet to an iron pin set for <br />corner; <br />THENCE North 58° 32' S7" East a distance of 780.72 feet to an iron pin set <br />for corner in the east line of said 100 acre Brown tract and the west line of a tract <br />