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Annexation Ordinances
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, <br />- <br />i <br />ORDINANCE NO. 99-034 1 <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TI3C EXTCNSION OF CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, AND THE <br />ANNEXATION OF CCRTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF 3,650.642 ACRES, MORE <br />OR LESS, WHICH IS LESS THAN TWENTY PERCENT (20%) OI+' THE TERRITORY <br />INCLUDED WITHIN ITS PRCSENT CITY LIMITS, WHICH SAID TERR.ITORY LIFS <br />ADJACENT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRESE, NT BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS; APPROVING SERVICE PLAN AND PROVIDING ZONING FOR <br />SAID TERRITORY. <br />WHEREAS, public hearings before the City Council of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, <br />where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be Ileard on tlle proposed <br />annexation of the following described property: <br />~ Tract 1 <br />BEGINNING at a point in the existing Paris city limits line as described in <br />Tract 3 of Ordinance No. 97-059, said point being in the south right-of-way line of <br />FM 1499 and the east right-of-way line of the Iiurlington Northern Railroad; <br />THENCE Northeasterly along the east riglit-of-way line of said Railroad a - <br />distance of 10,824.562.feet, more or less, to a point, said point being in the existing <br />Paris ETJ line; <br />THENCE aTong the existing Paris ETJ line a distance of 1,000 feet, more or <br />less, to a point in said ETJ line; <br />THENCE Southwesterly, parallel to and 1,000 feet east of the east right-of- <br />way line of said Railroad, a distance of 1,420.483 feet, more or less, to the centerline <br />of a creek; <br />THENCE along the centerline of said creek as follows: South 13 Deg. 58 <br />Min. 29 Sec. West a distance of 63.388 feet, more or less; South 29 Deg. 54 Min. 11 <br />Sec. East a distance of 26.040 feet, more or less; South OS Deg. 57 Min. 30 Sec. East <br />a distance of 108.385 feet, more or less; Soutll 27 Deg. 23 Min. 55 Sec. East a <br />distance of 268.330 feet, more or less; South 20 Deg. 17 Min. 13 Sec. East a distance <br />of 260.157 feet, more or less; South 88 Deg. 39 Min. 20 Sec. East a distance of <br />198.355 feet, more or less; North 76 Deg. 04 Min. 14 Sec. East a distance of 174.620 <br />feet, more or less; North 88 Deg. 00 Min. 99 Sec. East a distance of 125.000 feet, <br />more or less; North 18 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a distance of 70.000 feet, more or <br />less; North 83 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a distance of 25.000 feet, more or less; <br />South 31 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a distance of 60.000 feet, more or less; North 75 <br />Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a distance of 75.000 feet, more or less; North 50 Deg. 00 <br />Min. 00 Sec. East a distance of 75.000 feet, more or less; North 75 Deb. 00 Min. 00 <br />Sec. Cast a distance of 50.000 feet, more or less; North 33 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East <br />a distance of 200.000 feet, more or less; South 87 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a <br />distance of 70.000 feet; North 26 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. Cast a distance of 75.000 feet, <br />
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