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, <br />j North 43 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a distance of 70.000 feet, more or less; South 26 <br />' Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East aqistance of 80,000 feet, more or less; South 00 Deg. 16 <br />Mm. 35 Sec. West a distance of 34.431 feet, more or less; South 30 Deg. 00 Min. 00 <br />Sec. West a distance of 75.000 feet, more or less; South 54 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. <br />East a distance of 80.000 feet, more or less; South 15 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. East a <br />i?1 <br />distance of 42.000 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the southwest corner <br />of a 26.87 acre tract of land owned by the City of Paris; <br />THENCE North 85 Deg. 00 Min. 00 Sec. West a distance of 1,747.000 feet, <br />more or less; <br />THENCE North 74 Deg. 06 Min. 23 Sec. West a distance of 453.704 fcet, <br />more or less; <br />THENCE North 73 Deg. 58 Min. 03 Sec. West a distance of 55.457 feet, <br />more or less; <br />THENCE North 74 Deg. 06 Min. 23 Sec. West a distance of 193.702 feet, <br />more or less, to a point, said point being 1,000 feet east of the east right-of-way line <br />of said Railroad; THENCE Southwesteriy, parallel to and 1,000 feet east of the east right-of- <br />way line of said Railroad, a distance of 8,087.479 feet, more or less, to a point whicll <br />is an easterly extension of the south right-of-way line of FM Road 1499; <br />THENCE along said easterly extension, South 88 Deg. 58 Min. 48 Sec. West <br />a distance of 1,359.960 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and containing <br />313.095 acres, more or less. <br />Tract 2 <br />BEGINNING at a point in the existing Paris city limits line as described in <br />Ordinance No. 97-059, said point being in the south right-of-way line of County Road <br />32900 and being a distance of 500 west of the centerline of the right-of way of US <br />Hwy 271 North; <br />THENCE along the existing Paris city limits line and the south right-of-way <br />line of County Road 32900 as follows: westerly a distance of 713 feet, more or less; <br />northerly a distance of 588 feet, more or less; westerly a distance of 2,154 feet, more <br />or less; northerly a distance of 916 feet, more or less; westerly a distance of 923 feet, <br />more or less, to a point, said point being the intersection of the south boundary line <br />of County Road 32900 and the centerline of a branch of Pine Creek; <br />THENCE along the centerline of said branch of Pine Creek as follows: North <br />40 Deg. 45 Min. 09 Sec. East a distance of 472.692 feet, more or less; North 63 Deg. <br />06 Min. 52 Sec. East a distance of 1,187.734 feet, more or less; North 41 Deg. OS <br />Min. 46 Sec. East a distance of 332.236 feet, more or less; North 62 Deg. 14 Min. 21 <br />Sec. East a distance of 228.657 feet, more or less; North 52 Deg, 30 Min. 17 Sec. <br />East a distance of 1,083.154 feet, more or less; North 64 Deg. 14 Min, 23 Sec. East <br />a distance of 1,002.780 feet, more or less; North 71 Deg. 20 Min. 52 Sec. East a <br />distance of 627.141 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being a distance of 500 <br />feet west of the centerline of the right-of-way of US Hwy 271 North; <br />THENCE southerly, parallel to and 500 feet west of the centerline of the <br />