~ . -
<br />, less, to a point; South 0 1 Deg. 20 Min. East a distance of 1,108 feet, more or less, to
<br />' a point; West a distance of 381 feet, more or less, to a point; North a distance of a
<br />distance of 832 feet, more or less, to a point; West a distance of 831 feet, more or
<br />less, to a point; South a distance of 745 feet,' more or less, to a point; West a distance
<br />of 392.5 feet, more or less, to a point; North 74 Deg. East a distance of ] 48 feet,
<br />more or less, to a point; North 20 Deg. West a distance of 302 feet, more or less, to
<br />a point; North 82 Deg. West a distance of 192 feet, more or less, to a point in the
<br />northeast boundary line of FM 79;
<br />THENCE along the north boundary line of FM 19 as follows: South 22 Deg.
<br />28 Min. 19 Sec. East a distance of 256.177 feet, rnore or less; South 29 Deg. 23 Min.
<br />44 Sec. East a distance of449.594 feet, more or less; South 40 Deg. 30 Min. 33 Sec.
<br />East a distance of 1,129.979 feet, more or less; South 51 Deg. 49 Min. 59 Sec. East
<br />a distance of 392.365 feet, more or less; South 72 Deg. 59 Min. 38 Sec. East a
<br />distance of 997.694 feet, more or less; South 76 Deg. 27 Min. 22 Sec. East a distance
<br />of 854.502 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and containing 138.623 acres,
<br />more or less. Tract G
<br />BEGINNING at a point in the existing Paris city limits line as described in
<br />Ordinance No. 1739 and in the east boundary line of FM 1497, said point being a
<br />distance of 600 feet south of the centerline of the outside lane of Loop Hwy 286;
<br />THENCE south along the east boundary line of FM 1497 a distance of
<br />812.157 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the southwest corner of a 5.00
<br />acre tract of land canveyed the Landmark Apostolic Church;
<br />THENCE east along the soutli boundary line of said 5.00 acre tract a distance
<br />of 544.8 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of said 5.00 acre tract;
<br />THENCE north along the east boundary line of said 5.00 acre tract a distance
<br />of 400 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the northeast corner of said 5.00
<br />acre tract;
<br />THENCE East a distance of 116.149 feet, more or less;
<br />THENCE North distance of 179.352 feet, more or less, to a point in the
<br />existing Paris city limits line, said point being a distance of 600 feet south of the
<br />centerline of the outside line of Loop Hwy 286;
<br />THENCE Westerly, parallel to and 600 feet south of the centerline of the
<br />outside lane ofLoop Hwy 286, a distance of 657.537 feet, more or less, to the point
<br />of beginning and containing 10.571 acres, more or less.
<br />Tract 7
<br />BEGINNING at a point in the existing Paris city limits line as described in
<br />Ordinance No. 2119 and the north boundary line of US Hwy 271 South, said point
<br />being a distance of 600 feet southeast of the east boundary line of Loop IIwy 286,
<br />said point also being in the existing Paris city limits line as described in Ordinance No.
<br />1816;
<br />