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I/ a _ . <br />ORDINANCC NO. 98-047 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OI+' PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR <br />THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN I30UNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, TEXAS, AND TI-IE ANNCXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING ON' <br />APPROXIMATCLY lll ACRES, MORC OR LESS; AND GRANTING TO SAID <br />TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INI-IABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL ON' <br />THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHCR CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID N'UTURE <br />INHABITANTS BY ALL ON' THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES O1+ THE CITY OF PARIS; <br />AND PROVIDING NOR AN EN'FEC'I'IVE DATE OF SEPTCMBER 14, 1998. <br />WfIEREAS, 1(x.lIt1011 OI~ 11111CXa11011 l115 bCCII CIUIy SigIICCI 111CJ ilCknowledged by each and <br />every person or corporation having an interest in lhe following described territory, co-wit: <br />SITUATCD widlin I.amar County, Texas, being a part of' the Lemuel Ewer <br />Survey, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING on the south line of the GC&SF Railroad right-of-way, on <br />the West Boundary Line of a tract of land formerly owned by J. C. McCrummen; <br />. THENCE SOUTH with the line of said NlcCrummen tract a distance of 155 <br />poles to a stake in the Brazeltons line; <br />THENCE WEST a distaiice of 163.73 poles to a stake in D. S. Hammond's <br />Nortli Boundary Line; <br />THENCE NORTH a distance of 23.84 poles to the South Boundary Line <br />of the Paris and Greenville Railroad; <br />THENCE witli the same, Nortli 35 Deg. East a distance of 98 1/2 poles to <br />tile GC&SP Railroad riglit-of-way, containing 1 11.48 acres of land, more or less. <br />Being the same land conveyed by The Firsl National Bank of Paris, Trustee, to J. <br />H. Wofford by deed of even date therewith; and, <br />WHCREAS, said tract of land is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Paris, Paris, <br />Texas, and is not more than one-half (1/2) mi(e in width; and, <br />WHEREAS, said petition was presented to the City Council on the lOth day of August, <br />1998; and, <br />WHEREAS, after hearing such petition and thc arguments for and against the same, the <br />City Council has voted to grant such petition and to annex said territory to the City of Paris, Paris, <br />Texas; NOW, THCREFORE, <br />BE IT ORDAINCD BY THE C[TY COUNC[L ON' THE CITY ON' PARIS: <br />Section 1. Tllat tile following described property, to-wit: <br />1 <br />