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~ . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />onnYrrArrcr rto. 97-059 <br />AN ORDTNANCr PI20VIDING rOR'I'Tir l;X'I'].NSION OF CrRTATN 13OUNDAI2Y <br />T.TNITTS,Or TITE CTTI' Or PARIS, 1'ARTS, TEXAS, AND THI; ANNT'sXATTON Or <br />C1;RTATN TI;RRTTOT2Y CONSTS`CING Or 5,389.031 ACRrS, NIORl; OR LTSS, WITICTI <br />1'S T.rSS TfIAN 'I'CTTR'I'Y 1'1:1tC1:N`r (30%,) Or •rrrr TI:RI2T'I'ORY 1NCLUDT'sD WI1'Ii1N <br />I'I'S PIt1:S1;NT CITv r.1NII'I'S, WIIIC[Y SATn'I'I.I2R1'CORY 1.11;S AI),iACrNT TO AND <br />AD.iOiNS 'I'iiC's PRrSrN'I' TtOUNDAI2Y T.,TMI'T.S Or 7•rrr ci7'Y Or PATtTS, PARTS, <br />TE YAS; AI'I'ROVINC T[II; SI;RVICI, PT,AN; ANn PROV7I)1NG ZONING rOR SATD <br />`1'I;ItRT1'OIZY. <br />'4VII1:121;AS, Puhlic heai•ings bcforc (hc City Council of thc City of Paris; Paris, Texas, <br />where a11 interestecl ncrsons wcrc proviclccl wilh an orPortunily ro be hcard on the Proposed <br />annexatian of the I'ollowing describeci property; <br />'1'r~ct 1 <br />T3rCINNINC; at ihe cristinb 1':u•is city limits linc at US I-Iwy 82 West and <br />LooP 286 N.W., saicl point heing 600 fcct west of IhC Centcrline of Ille outSidC 11nC <br />of' Loop 286 N. W.; <br />1'IIf:NCr wtsterly :►long the centerlinc ol' US I[wy 82 West a clistance of <br />4,317.5 feet to a poinr, <br />TIiT_'NC1: southerly ,ilong (Iie c:xislinb Paris city limits linc a distance of 500 <br />feet to a point; <br />'1'HGNC13 s westerly, parallcl lo and 500 I'crt south of the centerline of US <br />I-1wy 82 Wcst, a distance ol'3,6G7 feet to thc cast ribht-o(=way linc of County Roacl <br />22900; <br />TIIGNCI: norlhcrly along !he cist ribl►t-of-way linc of County Road 22900 <br />to its intersection wi(h thc centerline of US I-Iwy 82 West a Qistance of 500 Feet, <br />and continuinb Nvith (hc cast i•ibht-of way line of County Road 32100 n distancc af' <br />500 feet, in all 1,000 I'ect to a point in thc east riblic-o1=wiy line of County Roac( <br />32100, saicl Point brinb 500 feet north of the centerline ol' US 1-1wy 82 Wcst; <br />'1'fIGNCi: castcrly, parallcl to and SOQ feet norlh of thc ccnterline of US <br />]Iwy 82 Wcst, a dislancc ol'7,987 feet to the existinb Paris city Jimits linc:; <br />THGNCG southcrly alcmg thc cxistinb Paris ciry limits line a clistancc af 57l <br />1'eeC ro the placc of heginninb, containinb 136,981 acres. <br />TMet 2 <br />131:GINNINC at ihc, existing Paris ciry jimits linc at US I-Iwy 82 Wcst and <br />1_0op 296 N.W., said point heing'600 feet west of the ccnterline of the outside lane <br />of I_oop 286 N.W. anc1500 feet north of ihc ccntcrlinc of US 11wy 82 West; . <br />TIfENCE' westerly, parallcl ro and SOQ feet norlh of the cen[erline of US <br />ITwy 82 West, a distcince of 2,004 feet to a poinc; <br />TFIT:NCG northcrly, parallcl ro ancl 2,000 Icct wcst of lhe cxisting P:tris city <br />~limits line, a distancc ol' 10,357 feet to its interscclion wit1i tlic soulh ribht-of way <br />linc o(' rM 79, which cicy li,nits linc is 600 1'cet w"t oI' and Parallc:l ro tlle <br />ccntcrlinc of (I1C OUISIQC I111C OI' Loop 286 N.W.; <br />TIIENCr soulheasterly alcinb the south right-o1=way line of 1'M 79 a <br />distancc of 808 fcei ;,a ; ro;r,,; <br />Tirr_•NCr southeriy along Ihe existing P,u•is city limits line adistance of <br />1,567 fc;cl toa point; <br />TI-IGNCf:'castcrly along (hc cxisting Paris city limits linca distance of 453 <br />feet to a Point; <br />THGNCT' southerly along ihc existinb Paris city limits line a distance of 775 <br />feet ro the centerline of the outsidc lane of LooP 286 N.W.; . <br />P. <br />